
Monday, June 10, 2013

Workout Recap and Weekly Goals: Race Smiles, Running Bliss, and Lazy Weekends

After a week of less-than-optimal amounts of sleep, I opted for a relaxing weekend that involved nothing but friends, fitness, and rest. And it was glorious.

Oakley Mini 10K Cheering!
I have a confession. I might like race cheering more than racing. There's just something about seeing people smile when they see you! Part of the smiles might be because I wore pink compression socks and a purple tutu, but I choose to think it was my sparkling smile.

I know how much it means to see a friend when racing, and I've had some awesome people cheer for me, so I want to give back whenever possible this summer! Look out for my purple tutu if you're racing :)

While I missed some people (holy cow this was a big race), and some pictures turned out too blurry, I was still able to capture a few awesome shots! Loved seeing so many awesome runners on a Saturday morning.

Kim and Beth - LOVE how happy they look!
Fiona, smiling big.
Ashley on her way to a PR
Liz giving mega race fabulousness
Abby looking fierce in those sunglasses and FINALLY racing again! :)
Meggie killing it (and Gia's arm on the right, I later found out!)

Gianna in a bright smile and bright neon

Hi Julianne!!
Yes, that was a ton of photos, but how could I not include all these mid-race smiles?? Don't they just make you want to run a race right now?

Weekend Resting
After cheering on most of the Mini 10K participants, I headed back feeling rejuvenated at all the awesome women I'd just seen. And promptly took a 2.5 hour nap. I'd love to say I ran 20 miles but no, I was exhausted from a week of too little sleep and just crashed until after noon.

Which was awesome. A nap when you are exhausted is amazing. As are icy drinks when it's hot out. Both of which happened this weekend.

Saturday evening, Sourabh and I saw Now You See Me, which was a totally fun heist movie. If you like caper films -- think Ocean's Eleven or The Italian Job -- you'll enjoy this one. Also, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman in the same movie! What's not to like?

Sunday morning, though, I woke up at 7 AM and hit the pavement. It's not too hot right now, so I didn't have to get up ridiculously beat the heat. I headed east through Central Park, down the East River Promenade, back west along 59th Street (and saw people lining up for the Puerto Rico Day Parade!) to the Hudson, then up through Riverside Park and home for 7 slow and easy but gloriously sunny miles.

Finally, after enjoying the sun and an iced coffee while sitting with Sourabh and Mason in Riverside Park, I hit the books again. Studying for the bar doesn't stop!

Workout Recap
Since the hot summer weather will soon be back, I tried to do my easy mile runs during the late afternoon and evening rather than morning so that I could get a bit more used to the heat. Hope this will help when the coolest part of the day is 75 degrees with 80% humidity come July!

This week had amazing weather for most of it, though, and I hope it continues next week!

Monday: 60 min. Refine Method class. Great class using step-ups and resistance bands, besides the usual suspects: kettle bells and the machines on the wall. Felt stronger in the tricep pulls than I ever have before, which was exciting!

Tuesday: 4 mi. run (39:00). Easy miles in Central Park. Gorgeous day and wonderful running weather made this run a joy. Included Harlem Hill, which didn't actually feel that bad!

Wednesday: 60 min. restorative yoga class at U! Studios (review to come). 5k run (29:00) for National Running Day. Kept the pace easy but then added a few strides at the end to practice speeding up at the end of a race.

Thursday: 45 min. Body Ride at Revolve. Spin class taught by Steph Nieman (met up with Heather for the class). She's such a fantastic spin instructor, she had me pushing myself extremely hard despite feeling a bit tired after two days running in a row (which I haven't done in a while).

Friday/Saturday: Rest days. Supremely lazy both days, minus a few miles of walking here and there.

Sunday: 7 mi. run (). Super easy miles, just focused on  60 min. Refine Method class.

Total Mileage = 14.1 miles

Goals for This Week:
I was really pleased with the mileage increase last week, so the goal for this week is to increase it further, probably to 16 or 18 miles. I also want to get in at least one yoga class like last week. Considering I have four planned on the calendar, one better happen!

• 3-4 runs (total 16-18 miles)
• 2 strength workouts
• at least 1 yoga class

How was your weekend? What are your fitness goals this week?


  1. Those are some great photos! I'm glad you missed me because I wasn't looking nearly as cute and happy. And thanks again for the spin! So good.

  2. Thanks again for cheering! It was awesome to see you and your fab tutu!!! Sounds like you're doing a great job of balancing exercise and studying! Good luck!!

  3. Loved seeing you on the course, and love you caught a blurry picture. Definitely smiling to see you but also, awesome outfit, tutu's always make me happy!

  4. Seriously, that tutu was just perfect Jen! It was so great seeing you :) We took a family nap Saturday too, which NEVER happens. The workouts sound like a perfect mix

  5. posts like this always make me wish i lived in NY just for the running camaraderie. I'm sure I'd hate it any other time! haha

    My fitness goals for the week are to hit each workout on my plan, and leave it all out there on each of them. Last week i left a few feeling like i could have pushed more.

    have a great week up'ing your miles!

  6. Those photos make me smile! Race spectating is so much fun. In terms of my workouts this week, I'm excited to amp things up again--only 20 days until the next race!
