
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Ramblings

Random thoughts and updates for y'all on this hump day. Speaking of humps, have you seen that Geico commercial with the camel? I think it's basically the funniest thing ever.

1. I woke up at 6:30 this morning to study, despite it being a rest day where I could have slept in, after feeling crazy inspired by dinner with Ashley last night at Hu Kitchen (yes, I love that place a lot). A lot of our conversation was me asking her for tips on how she balances her demanding corporate job with marathon training, healthy eating, and her husband and friends. Getting used to early mornings, both for workouts and for getting extra work done, was one of her biggest tips, and I'm determined to get into that habit before I start work in September!

2. Related: waking up early is hard when your lazy dog doesn't get out of bed until 11:30, and only then because you yell "treats!" from the other room.

3. Dinner at Hu Kitchen confirmed to me what I had suspected: I am unable to go to Hu Kitchen without getting something from the mash bar. This time it was berries with vanilla chia pudding and cashew cream, which I inhaled between 14th Street and 34th Street on the express train.

4. I returned to Uplift Studios last night for a Strength class, after far too long away, and completely got my ass kicked by Liz Barnet. Girlfriend is TOUGH. I took the class with Ashley before our dinner and also saw Angela and Allison there (that's a lot of A's, in retrospect). They all confirmed that it was a killer class, in the best possible way. I think my legs are still jelly-filled this morning!

5. Regardless of your views on her political stance, seeing a woman in politics who stands up for what she believes in is awesome. Especially when she's literally standing for 11 hours in hot pink running shoes! And in case you were wondering, they were Mizunos! (Here's the picture I linked to). Only a runner would care about her brand of shoes!

6. I need new support shoes for long runs since my Brooks Adrenaline 11's I got last November are on their last legs. I'm going to be hitting up a run store today and this makes me kind of giddy. New (running) shoes!!! Thinking I'll go with the Brooks Adrenaline 13's, but I'll obviously have to try on every shoe in the store, right?

7. Speaking of running gear, I ordered a Tiger Tail from Amazon to aid in recovery. I have a hard time getting into my calves with my foam roller and my calves tend to get really tight, so this seemed necessary. Anyone have this? Any tips?

8. At least someone likes my bar review books! She's certainly cuddled up with that thing...

What's on your mind today? Any Tiger Tail tips? Supportive running shoes suggestions? Fat cat pictures?


  1. 1. I TOTALLY know how that feels. Going to school online full time, plus taking care of our house, working full time and marathon training.. oy. I got up early for the first time to run and I actually felt great all day. Although I was more hungry than usual :) I like to be busy, what can I say!
    Let me know how that tiger tail is.. I've been looking to get one!

    1. The hunger thing is tough to beat!!! So far, I like the tiger tail, but it's only been a day haha.

  2. I just had that vanilla chia pudding the other day and also inhaled it! I wonder what's in the cashew good. I have the Stick, and use it mostly for my calves. I wonder how the Tiger Tail compares?

    1. It's SOO good!!! And yes, I wonder, too... We'll compare notes!

  3. Oh I miss my Adrenaline 11s! I had 3 wonderful pairs and then sadly, I haven't found a shoe that I love to replace them. So now I have 324583957 different pairs in my closet that don't work for me. Apparently I love to throw money away.

    Let me know what you find!

    1. Ended up getting the 13's! Felt similar but lighter, so we'll see how they are on my long runs...

  4. Yay for early morning risers!!! There is just something so nice about getting peace in the morning before the world is up (well used too, now Anne is up MINUTES after me... MINUTES. How does she know?????)

    1. Haha clearly she is totally in tune with you!! :)

  5. love that she was wearing mizunos! i didnt even notice that!

    i've been trying for the early morning thing too! I was up at 5:30 this morning to try and run and it rained and rained and rained. so no morning run in the cards for me, but thats okay.

    and tiger tail! that was the other one. I actually just bought the stick. so we should compare!

    1. Ah, the rain is such a bummer when you're up early to run! Curious how you like the stick, we'll have to compare.

  6. I'M WORKING ON FRIDAY--COME VISIT ME!! :D Also, I've been meaning to try Hu Kitchen. It's so close to work I really don't have an excuse not to.

    1. Ah was totally trying to figure out how to visit you but realized I couldn't get downtown in the next few days without totally throwing off my study schedule :( Next time!!!
