
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nike Free Bionic Event

Do you live in New York and, if so, have you signed up for the FREE Runners' Boot Camp class on June 29??? If not, RSVP here! Hurry, there are only a few spots left!

Last night, I got to attend an incredible event hosted by Nike to publicize their new Nike Free Bionic training shoe, which is apparently the only training shoe designed specifically for women!

The Nike Free Bionic
The event was amazing. On Tuesday, we went to the Nike store in Flatiron to pick up bags with our free Nike gear. Each bag was slightly different, although everyone got a pair of the Free Bionics and a Nike Fuel band to measure activity. My bag had a sports bra, tank top, pullover, shorts, and crop tights. THANK YOU, Nike!!

Rocking my gear.

The event divided us into five teams, each of which was led by a master trainer. I was on Holly Rilinger's team -- I found out about the event through her Facebook page, which is how I got to go. THANK YOU, Holly!!

I've mentioned before, in my post on how to save on fitness classes, that following instructors you like on Twitter and Facebook can pay off because they'll often let you know about awesome fitness events they're doing. Like this one!

We arrived at the 34th Street Ferry dock and, after waiting while everyone checked in, piled onto a ferry decked out by Nike.

As the ferry headed toward Brooklyn, Holly led everyone in a dynamic warm-up.

I'm in the back, rocking the purple leggings and pink sunglasses.
(credit: Nike)

As we floated past the midtown skyline, I had a major "WOW I love this city moment."

I mean... how could you not? There's just something about New York. It's so big, there's so much promise. I've lived here three years now and still am constantly finding new things to love about the city.

Anyway... we docked in Williamsburg and headed to a gorgeous loft space where we met up with our teams, took some photos, then headed to the roof to hear all about how the evening would work. Ary Nunez, trainer to celebrities like Rihanna, walked us through how our trainers would take us to a special location, give us a high intensity training workout, then lead us to our final destination.

The teams were meant to compete to see which team could get the most fuel points on their Nike fuel bands. This meant that we were all trying to move our arms as much as possible to rack up fuel points and we all looked a bit, uh... spastic.

Team Crazy Pants!
(credit: Nike)

Extra bonus to this event was that Beth, Kim, and Kristin were all at the event as well. Beth and Kim ended up on Holly's team, too! Go Team Crazy Pants!

Rocking our Just Do It shirts!
(credit: Beth)
After getting the general schedule for the evening, we still had no idea where we were heading to work out... when Holly yelled for Team Crazy Pants to follow her. We jogged through the streets of Williamsburg (which is really cool and I really need to get back to and check out), following her toward our workout destination.

HI! I love running!
(credit: Jolene)
Our run ended at... the Williamsburg Bridge! Yes, I got to work out on the Williamsburg Bridge. Hands down one of my coolest fitness experiences to date.

(credit: Nike)
Holly led us through 30 minutes of non-stop movement. We were burpeeing, we were squatting, we were jumping, we were squat-jumping.

It was a great chance to see that the Nike Free Bionics are a great training shoe. I really liked the balance and flexibility the shoe had. It's incredibly light yet has good support, so my feet weren't hurting despite jumping up and down on concrete.

(credit: Nike)
One of my favorite aspects of Holly's workouts is that she leads them like a basketball coach (which makes sense, since she was a professional basketball player for a few years). There's a lot of cheering and sports-type team-building that makes you feel like the people working out alongside you are your teammates, not just someone else squatting.

(credit: Nike)
After 30 minutes, we were totally exhausted. We'd gotten to work out on the Williamsburg Bridge as the sun set over New York City. I would have been happy if the night had ended right there! But Holly brought us in for a final group cheer, then we headed off the bridge to a waiting shuttle bus for our final destination.

(credit: Kim)
Yes, there was more to this evening. Nike sponsored a party for all attendees at Beauty & Essex on the Lower East Side, where we were given mini makeovers, three drink tickets, and delicious appetizers. Although Team Crazy Pants didn't win the award for getting the most Nike Fuel points, it was still a great end to a wonderful evening. I want to go back to Beauty & Essex and try all their dishes!

Thank you, Nike and Holly, for an amazing night!!

What's the coolest fitness event you've ever been to?


  1. This sounds like SO MUCH FUN. You are one lucky duck for getting to do it!! I'm so so tempted to sign up for the boot camp, but it would require a trip to the city and blah blah blah. I just wnat to meet some people though!

    1. Hah! Doooo it, the boot camp should be a lot of fun :)

  2. WOW. That sounds SO cool! I love it went workout events highlight parts of the city. For my internship, I went to a SoulCycle class on the High Line, and that was awesome!

    1. I remember reading about the SoulCycle High Line class and thinking it sounded amazing!! So cool that you got to go.

  3. Replies
    1. It was a TON of fun :) I was looking forward to it for over a week!

  4. I'm so jealous you keep getting to go to all these awesome events! Clearly I need to move to NYC.

    1. It's definitely an amazing opportunity to be able to get to all these events!
