
Monday, May 13, 2013

Workout Recap and Weekly Goals: Runner Happy Hour, SELF Workout in the Park and Sweaty Sundays

This weekend kicked off with a runner happy hour at Boat Basin. It came together initially over Twitter, and Beth followed up and organized it. Thanks, Beth! (Also, please write your awesome PR race recap!!!)

I'm not sure who took this picture so I don't know who to credit!
It was someone in this photo who is not me, however.

Edit - it was Beth's camera!
It ended up with over 20 runners (not everyone is pictured here). It was so much fun to catch up with some I've only met a few times and to hang out with others I see frequently! Can't wait for the next one.

My weekend continued to be lots of fun, first with the Self Workout in the Park on Saturday and then dinner with one of my closest law school friends who I haven't seen in a while (she graduated last year and is incredibly busy at her law firm).

Obligatory blogger pic with Laura and Meg!
The event was one of the first of these kind I've been to and I enjoyed it a lot, although unfortunately the weather wasn't great. A lot of people go to this event every year (it was the 20th anniversary!), so they knew that you had to get in line early on to sign up for the yoga and crossfit style workouts. I didn't realize this and didn't find out until I met up with Laura, so I was too late to get a wristband with an assigned time since they were sold out.

Instead, we wandered around through the different sponsors' tents, picking up samples. Sponsors included Luna Bars, Green Mountain Coffee, LeSportsac, Reebok, Wendy's (they were giving out salads, but still, I thought that was odd), Sweet 'n' Low, and SkinnyGirl (Bethenny Frankel made an appearance at the event). I am stocked up on snack bars for quite a while now! Shay Mitchell from Pretty Little Liars was the celebrity host and Danielle Monaro from Z100 was the celebrity emcee.

Because the weather was so dreary and humid, we mostly took part in the workouts while waiting in line for the samples and checking out the sponsors. That was possible since many of the mainstage workouts were dance-based, so you could follow along while waiting in line.

My biggest tip for those going next year would be to get there early so you can sign up for the side workouts that you want to! I was bummed I couldn't try CrossFit.

Sunday, I met up with new blogger friend Angela for a double workout! Angela and I met at the Lean In book club event at Uplift Studios. We'd been planning to work out again together, and had the idea of doing a double. Initially we were going to take it kind of easy and do spin then yoga, but we ended up deciding on a Flywheel spin class then a Refine Method class after.

Honestly I wasn't sure I'd survive be able to really get my "money's worth" out of both classes. But I ended up working my ass off in both classes and loving how tough it was. Don't get me wrong, both classes are normally a challenging workout, but I really had to push myself past my normal edge in an exercise class.

Otherwise, I've spent most of this weekend doing errands, hanging out with Mason, and rewatching Arrested Development for about the fourth time. I'm midway through the second season and so excited for May 26 when new episodes will finally air. It's been a loooong seven years since the show was canceled, but it's still my favorite comedy ever.

Workout Recap

Monday: 2.5 mile easy run. Garmin-free and fabulous. Gorgeous day in the park!

Tuesday: Rest (was going to go to an evening class but Sourabh got us tickets to a Knicks playoff game, which obviously took precedence!!).

Wednesday: Rest.

Thursday: 60 min. Refine Method class. Incredibly difficult -- it left me 

Friday: 45 min. Real Ride spin class at Revolve.

Saturday: Self Workout in the Park (dabbling in different workouts, not a ton of sweating).

Sunday: 45 min. spin class at Flywheel. 60 min. Refine Method class.

Goals for this Week

I am feeling so inspired after the awesome workouts I had at the end of this week, so I've planned a somewhat jam-packed week until I go away this weekend.

• 1 spin class
• 1 run
• 2-3 strength training sessions
• 1-2 yoga classes
• foam rolling and stretching

What are your exercise goals for this week? What's your favorite canceled TV show?

I received complementary admittance to the SELF Workout in the Park. As always, opinions about the event are my own.


  1. Sounds like a fun, fitness-filled weekend! Double workouts are no joke!

    It will be interesting to see how my workouts go this week. My coach and a few teammates are off cycling in Italy, so we won't have official team workouts until Wednesday. I still plan to work hard, though. :)

  2. Flywheel, yoga, 1 easy run, and resting before BK Half :)

    Favorite cancelled show is definitely Freaks & Geeks.

  3. Beth @RxBethOnTheRunMay 13, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    I promise to try and finish my PR recap this week ;) Plan for the week is a couple of easy runs, Refine Method tomorrow and some yoga and then the Brooklyn Half Marathon on Saturday! Oh and PS. I took that picture :) Already planning the next one in my head....stay tuned! Runner happy hours are a blast!

  4. I love all these fun workouts you've been doing! Workout in the park is a blast.

  5. You've been getting a really good balance in as far as workouts! Keep on having fun until the next training cycle begins!
    I'm just still trucking along trying to make it through all these races (don't let me sound dismal I love it)! Running for joy though in between and lifting a lot.

  6. Let me know when you do happy hour again, would love to join!
