
Friday, May 3, 2013

Pin It Party, Iron Man 3, and Race Cheering

Hi all! It's Friday!!

I am off to see Iron Man 3 this morning. Perk of being a student (for the last time ever!) is that I can indulge my nerdiness and see the first showing of the day. I did the midnight showing for Avengers last year, but sadly Sourabh has to study and couldn't invest the full night necessary for that kind of thing.

Then, I have to prep for this weekend, when I'll be heading to NJ for the New Jersey Marathon and Long Branch Half Marathon! No, I'm not running. I sold my bib and am being a responsible adult.

But I have some awesome friends who are going to rock the race and I am so excited to have a runner slumber party and then cheer them on!! It's my first time cheering at a race and I'm so psyched :)

By the way, in case you missed it yesterday, Carrie at Fitness & Frozen Grapes and I are hosting a book club! Hop over to yesterday's post to check it out if you haven't already. And if you just know you're excited about it by the name of it, here's the link for the sign-up form!

So, on to today's business. Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean is hosting a Pin It Party! I loved the idea of featuring some posts that I consider extra pinnable. Here are the ones I chose! (PS: here's my Pinterest page)
:: Ab-tastic Core Workout :: 

:: Dairy-Free Almond Waffles ::

:: Fast 'n' Sweaty Strength Circuit ::

:: Spring Cardio Extravaganza ::

:: Garlicky Mustard Hash with Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes ::

Do you use Pinterest? What kinds of posts do you consider most "pinnable"? Any race cheering tips for me?


  1. Just got home from getting the book--can't wait to start reading! Funny you mention Iron Man 3: at practice this morning, one of my teammates was talking about seeing Iron Man, and we got mad at him for not including us--we thought he was watching an Ironman highlight reel! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

  2. I requested my book at the library. Eco-friendly and mindful so I felt it went well with the concept ;) And oh Jen, I'm addicted to Pinterest. I have quite a few pins to say the least!

    Michael is itching to see Iron Man though, so please believe the sun is not going to set on this weekend without us watching!

  3. Yay for race cheering!! I hope I see you out there :)
