
Friday, May 24, 2013

Law School Graduation! Or, I'm a J.D.!

Like my Elle Woods-esque manicure?

I graduated from law school yesterday! In the middle of a monsoon!

Ok, well maybe not a monsoon, but an insane downpour that left our robes drenched despite the Columbia Law School umbrellas we were given.

This may sound crazy, but the downpour somehow made the whole graduation more fun. I was laughing as we walked into the graduation tent because we were all drenched, and the thunder and lightning certainly livened up the speeches.

I'm the first person in my family to get a doctorate of any kind, so it was an exciting day. I feel so blessed by all the wonderful people who have become part of my life because of the law school experience.

My parents and me post-graduation, finally seeking shelter after the storm.

I am so grateful for the love and support of my parents. Where I grew up, only 40% of students from the local high school go to a community college or four-year university. Nothing I've been able to accomplish would be possible without them and I am constantly grateful for the life I'm able to lead because of them.

I am off on a graduation road trip with my parents to explore Montreal and Quebec. I'm excited to share what we do and where we go up there next week! For now, I'm leaving you with snapshots from my graduation ceremony.

"Family" snapshot before leaving for the ceremony

Woo! Ready to graduate! These robes are ridiculously large!

A classmate baked cookies for all 400 graduating law students to enjoy as we waited to march! Such a sweet gesture.

Negotiations classmates trying to stay dry in the deluge.

Wenli and me, work buddies from last summer and thankfully she'll be returning to the firm this fall!

Another work buddy, Aidan. So glad only the cool Columbia kids went to my firm ;)

Hi Jason! My Co-Development Editor for the Columbia Business Law Review last year. Our last names meant we were seated next to each other, which was fun.

There's a joke about lots of law students in one tent to be made here, I'm sure...

Our keynote speaker, Preet Bharara '93, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.  My favorite quote form his speech: "Nothing great was ever accomplished with a cynical heart"

We didn't get diplomas, just handshakes. Diplomas have to be picked up later. 

Handshake with Preet! 

Law school BFF Lena!! So glad we saw each other and snagged this picture!

If you've been to Montreal and Quebec, anything we need to do up there? Any running routes or yoga studios to hit up?


  1. Congratulations, Jen! It's so rewarding to see your hard work pay off, and I know you're going to do big things come September. Have so much fun celebrating and hanging out with your family! :)

  2. Congratulations!!! You go girl :)

  3. Congratulations, what an amazing accomplishment! Enjoy your trip!

  4. Love the recap! What a fine day despite the rain. Enjoy your trip to QC!

  5. Such a huge change for you!! Enjoy your time with your family in Canada!

  6. Congrats lady! So awesome!! And you already have a job which is even more awesome!! yaaay!

  7. Congratulations! Looking forward to celebrating soon
