
Monday, April 15, 2013

Workout Recap and Weekly Goals: Reunions, Parties, and Expos

Happy Monday!

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was jam-packed but a lot of fun. I also fit in some good workouts and finished a paper, so all in all it was a quality weekend.

Friday I had class until 3:30 and then ran home, changed into a suit, and headed to midtown to manage my journal's alumni reunion. The event was a panel of distinguished alumni followed by a networking reception. It's taken up a lot of time recently, so it was really rewarding to have it be a successful event!

Post-reunion, I cracked out the Dirty Dozen, a core routine for runners. It's a great routine! I'm going to try to add it in to other run days.

I woke up a little early on Saturday in order to get in a short progression run before working at the Erica Sara Designs booth at the MORE/fitness Women's Half-Marathon Expo. I had a fantastic time hanging with Erica, Lora, Ashley, and Rachel (and Erica's mom, Judy!).

I really love Erica's jewelry, so it was a joy to help other people find special pieces to commemorate their personal achievements or mantras to help motivate them.

Post-expo, I ran up to midtown to get my hair blown out and a manicure before Barrister's Ball (aka Law School Prom). Many thanks to Dry Bar and TenOverTen for helping me look fabulous!

We met friends for dinner at Atlantic Grill before the Ball, then went to Chelsea Piers for the party!

I love to dance, so having lots of dance time was really fun, and it was great to see friends dressed up. Since Sourabh is only a first year, I have two more years when I'll probably go.

Finally, on Sunday I got a chance to check out Revolve for the first time. Dori and Melissa set up a free class, so I got to try out the new boutique spin studio in Union Square! Full review to come this week.

And now, on to the workout recap!

Workout Recap

Monday: Yoga.

Tuesday: Rest.

Wednesday: Kick Ass Virtual 5K and Yoga class. Legs felt like lead on the run and I had no balance in the yoga class, but both were still fun since it was a gorgeous day!

Thursday: Rest.

Friday: Dirty Dozen core work.

Saturday: 3.25 progression run. First mile felt rough, second mile was decent, third mile was good, and last quarter mile was hard since I sprinted it. (1) 9:57, (2) 9:16, (3) 8:55, (.25) 8:16

Sunday: 60 minute Rip Ride at Revolve. Upper body work plus spinning for a total body workout.

Not great mileage, since I postponed my long run to today due to the weekend being crazy busy. Going to work on that next week. However, very happy with the two yoga classes!

Goals for This Week:
I'm going to try to make yoga a priority again this week and up the mileage into the 20-miles range. Hopefully without any aches and pains!

• 11 mile long run (Monday) and 12 mile long run (Sunday)
• tempo run and/or speed work (4x800s or 8x400s)
• 1-2 yoga classes
• 2 strength workouts
• 1 spin class


  1. I have friends keep telling me I should do Yoga because of the back pain I've been experiencing... Still hesitant, but may have to give it a try and just incorporate it into my weekly routine.

    1. I HIGHLY recommend yoga for back pain. My dad started doing yoga for his back and it almost entirely cleared up. Now, at 62, he teaches yoga and runs a few times a week and can hold himself in plank position with his feet off the ground. It's a really great form of cross-training to add to your routine.

  2. Somebody has been a busy bee! A lot of miles coming your way this week though!

  3. I've been looking at Erica's jewelry a lot recently, and I'm thinking about ordering a triathlon necklace. Maybe that will be my "reward" after finishing my first Olympic-distance one in June. And cute Lawyer Ball pictures! :)
