
Monday, April 8, 2013

Workout Recap and Weekly Goals: Gearing Up

Happy Monday!

It is indeed a very happy Monday in New York. The sun is shining and it is supposed to hit close to 70 degrees today. Finally, spring is here!!

I spent the weekend in Washington DC with Abby, Steph, Beth, and Kim. It was a fantastic weekend and my shakeout run on Saturday left me confident I could run -- not race -- the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, so I even got in a long run! My recap of that will be up tomorrow.

I'm keeping this post short and sweet since my laptop broke over the weekend in a tragic water spill. It was 3 years old and I was going to get a new one for when I need to work from home on weekends once I start work this fall, but that's never a fun call to get.

Workout Recap

Since two easy miles on Sunday revealed some hip flexor pain and I was under the weather from Tuesday to Friday, is week focused on strength rather than cardio. I always feel ok doing strength if I'm not seriously sick.

Monday: 2 easy miles. To/from doctor's office to find out about lingering pink eye symptoms (I know, I'm a picture of health). Felt hip flexor pain so I held off on speed work.

Tuesday: Refine Method. Early AM class with Julianne. Felt under the weather but it was a great class.

Wednesday: Strength training with trainer. Focused again on heavy weights and fewer reps. Really enjoying the heavier lifting!

Thursday: Rest day. Felt the sickest I felt all week.

Friday: Rest day. Wanted to be well enough to run in DC so rested again.

Saturday: 2 mile shakeout run around the monuments in DC.

Sunday: 10 mile long run at Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. Slow and not the best  run ever. Recap tomorrow!

This Week's Goals
This week I'm concentrating on quality runs and strength training.

- 1 tempo run
- 1 long run
- 1 speed work session
- 2 strength workouts
- 1-2 yoga classes/practices

How do you recover from sickness and aches/pains? How was your weekend?


  1. I hope you are feeling 100% asap!!! I am of the just push through mentality. I give great advice on taking it easy yet pretty much never follow that myself :)

    I had a weekend full of volunteering, running, brunching and shopping!

  2. I'm so late to the party, but I can't wait to click over to your Cherry Blossom recap! Hope you're resting up and recovering accordingly.
