
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Favorites

Tuesday was gloriously sunny. Although it's been spring for a while according to the calendar, it finally felt like we'd hit weather that didn't make me die a bit inside when I step outside my building. Hallelujah. 

I was literally skipping as I left my internship, and I had to restrain myself to avoid looking like a crazy person and dancing along the streets. Why don't people break into song and dance in real life? It'd be so much fun.

Anyway, there are several things that I am loving right now. So, in honor of the fantastic weather (that left us for thunderstorms and rain because NYC is trying to make everyone move away), here are my current favorite things.

1. Oiselle Winona Tank
OMG you guys this top feels so good. The material is incredibly soft. I want to buy a blanket made out of this. It's also high performance fabric and the shirt looks super cute, but the biggest thing is it just feels so good. I'm in love. 

I haven't been wearing it to work out that much just because I want to wear it constantly around the apartment and not put it into the black hole that is my laundry basket, from which it won't return for at least a week two weeks, if not more.

2. Water fountains
So in the winter in New York, the public water fountains are turned off so that the water doesn't freeze. This is depressing and annoying because you have to carry a water bottle with you wherever you run. However, the water fountains are now back on!!! The joy that seeing water gurgling out of a public fountain gives me is a bit scary.

And yes, I took a picture. Of a water fountain. I really was that excited, guys.

3. My new laptop
While having to get a new laptop was not a cause for joy, having a brand new laptop with a back to it, no missing keys, and a total weight of approximately 2.5 lbs is fantastic. 

I can stash it in my purse and don't have to break my shoulders with the weight of books, papers, and a laptop. Look how small it is in comparison to Mason!!

4. Mizunos
After the NYC Half, I ordered a pair of Mizunos so that I could switch between lighter shoes for shorter runs and my Brooks for longer runs. I am really loving my new Wave Inspires! They're a support shoe so I haven't had any nasty plantar fasciitis symptoms, but they also feel really light which is terrific for shorter runs. 

I used them for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler and wasn't super happy because my feet started hurting in the last couple of miles, but that was my fault -- I hadn't bought them for long runs and was only wearing them because I just love how light they are. Lesson learned: shorter distances only! 

5. Quest Bars
These bars are a pretty fantastic protein bar option. I'm eating them after hard workouts and occasionally as a snack on days when I'm not getting enough protein. I ordered them from Amazon and they come to just about $2.20 each. Not a steal, but equivalent to buying bars from most stores.
I ordered the chocolate brownie flavor and, especially if warmed up in the microwave for 20 seconds, they taste really good! The ingredient list is nice and short and got a nod of approval from Kim when I showed it to her in DC. Best of all, it has 20g of protein for 170 calories, so it's not a bomb of a protein bar like some are.

I mean, obviously, right? Sunny, warm days are so fantastic they make me giddy. I was actually dizzy with excitement in yoga on Monday when it was sunny and nearly 70. Actually I was probably dizzy from having wine during Mad Men on Sunday night, but I'm attributing it to the weather. 

No coat necessary on my commute and eating lunch outside by the water made Tuesday a phenomenal day. Can the weather just always be like that? Please?

7. Girlfriends
After a fantastic weekend with running girlfriends in DC, obviously I am in love with the fantastic women in my life. But then the following happened when I texted my friend Katie yesterday.

Yes, this is why we are friends. Also, rompers.... why? Just, why?? 

What are you loving right now? Is there something awesome I don't know about?


  1. Minus yesterday's rain, the NYC weather has been absolutely gorgeous! Hopefully our team run workouts can take place outside on a regular basis now. :) Also, I had no idea NYC has public water fountains--my mind is blown.

    1. They're a lifesaver on hot runs when you don't want to hold a water bottle!!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Winona tank! Must buy all the colors!

    The weather has been fantastic, so freaking happy its actually Spring now. I also want to buy some of those Quest bars, they seem perfect!

    And yes, omg rompers? Thank you, I never understood why people wear those, they are hideous.

    1. I may or may not have just ordered another one ... maybe ...

      Unless you have 0% body fat, a romper just isn't flattering. Or are a baby. Then it's cute.

  3. HEY!!! Anne totally rocks her rompers ;) And that Apple looks very similar to mine. They are the best. And baby proof. In case you wanted to know lol

    1. That's good to hear since I have pets who are as mischievous as a baby in terms of knocking things over! And yes, babies look adorable in rompers. But they are not grown women haha.

  4. I too often want to break out in song and dance with the glorious weather.

    I am quest obsessed - I recommend going to GNC they are buy 3 get one free! And, if you have not yet, try the chocolate chip cookie dough. Amazing.

    Something I am loving - finding old navy activeware - I bought a few yesterday and was pleasantly surprised after wearing last night and today. Not to mention I bought 5 items for $25. Who loves a bargain? This girl!

    1. I hadn't tried those! Will have to order them next, I just got the Chocolate Peanut Butter ones and can't wait to see how I like them.

      I love Old Navy's sports bras. I need to try more of the rest of their line!

  5. I need to get a Winona tank, STAT. Everyone seems to be in love with them! I'm worried once I get one though, I'll need them in ALL the colors :) I guess that isn't a bad thing...

    1. They are truly fabulous. And yes, I just ordered the orange one, so they're clearly addicting!

  6. I'm equally excited about the fountains. When I first noticed I literally thought to myself, I wish I brought my phone to take a photo of this glorious moment! HAHA.

    1. Glad I'm not the only crazy one!! I wasn't even thirsty, I just had to drink to make myself believe the wondrous sight haha.
