
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Foodie Pen Pals - March Reveal!

I am kind of obsessed with what I received in my Foodie Pen Pal box for March. It was fantastic! My foodie pen pal was Michelle, who is sadly not a blogger so I cannot link you up to her blog, but she sent some amazing goodies. Check them out!

First off, sorry for the dark photos. I picked it up at night and knew I needed to take pictures immediately because they were about to get eaten...

Yes, you saw correctly up there. Homemade dog treats! How amazing is that? Michelle read my blog, saw that I had a dog, and decided to bake him something.

Mason LOVED them. We just finished off the bag since we broke them into pieces so he wouldn't get too spoiled. (Haha, just kidding, he's already spoiled. We're just trying to keep him from getting fat.)

This dark chocolate was delicious. I mean... dark chocolate with hazelnut toffee? How could it not be? I was able to ration it into post-meal bites since it was dark chocolate and I can make that last. The milk chocolate stands much less of a chance with me. This was such a great treat to have for a week!

I loved this idea. Michelle included the recipe for her favorite lentil soup with the dry ingredients in a mason jar. So cute and so cool! I still haven't made it -- I think the next few days will be perfect as it warmed up and now is going back to being cold here in NYC. Some warm soup is just what I'll need!

This was probably my favorite thing in the pack. At first, I read, "vegan trail mix cookies," and gagged a bit. I love vegan baked goods when they're made well, but I just thought these would be terrible on sight. I was sooooo wrong. They were fantastic!!! Peanut buttery and packed with dried fruit and nuts. Such a great 4 PM snack with a cup of tea! I actually really want to buy more (FYI, you can do so here).

I love how Foodie Pen Pals connects people from across the country in a love of food. It's so much fun to look for items you think the other person might like and then receive a box in the mail filled with treats and fun new items. For more information or to sign up (you need to do so by Thursday!!), check out the details on The Lean Green Bean.

Did you participate in Foodie Pen Pals? What did you get? Has the taste of something ever shocked you?


  1. Wow, what great Foodie Pen Pal loot! That dark chocolate wouldn't lasted one day (tops) in my apartment. ;) But it has antioxidants, so it's good for you!

  2. Yum! I totally want to do this pen pal thing sometime. It looks like a lot of fun! And the dog treats are so so thoughtful and cute. Great job, pen pal!

  3. This looks like so much fun and that is so adorable that Mason got some treats as well!
