
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Foodie Pen Pals - April Reveal!

Hi all! First off, thanks so much for your kind, supportive words yesterday. I will certainly be writing a real race recap of the Nike Women's Half DC.

But first, I wanted to share the fabulous Foodie Pen Pal box I received on the proper day!

I will also be sharing what I sent my foodie pen pal, Lori, with some words from her later this week.So without further ado ... it's Foodie Pen Pal Reveal Day!

I received my box from Abbey and it was awesome. I loved that she made it very representative of her state, Wisconsin. Check it out!

Maple popcorn! There was a lot of maple in this box. I'm a huge fan of all things maple syrup, so I wasn't complaining! This maple popcorn was gone in two days. SO good!! There were also these really tasty vegan cookies that she included. Again, gone very quickly!

The left is maple fudge -- super rich and delicious! We had to take it slowly because it was so sugary, but it was amazing. I ate a square of the dark chocolate after dinner every night and loved it. I hadn't had such great crystallized ginger in dark chocolate before, but I need to find this now.

And finally, she included cow-shaped sprinkles (see? so Wisconsin!), chunks of energy (full of cacao, goji, and nuts -- super tasty!), and a cranberry bread mix that I'm saving for the next time I have people over for brunch.

Thanks for the tasty treats, Abbey!!

Did you participate in Foodie Pen Pals? What's your favorite treat to share with people?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a good haul! Maple syrup-flavored anything is absolutely delicious. Back in the day, my dad would "help" my sisters and me tap trees so we could make our own syrup (aka he's do it, lol). It's such an involved process!
