
Friday, April 12, 2013

Class Review: Lotus Hour (Yoga) at Laughing Lotus with Molly Davidson

I'm trying to make yoga much more of a priority, so I need to expand my horizons a bit and check out more yoga studios that are closer to me than Strala in SoHo.  So on Wednesday, I checked out Laughing Lotus for a yoga class with Theodora

I loved the warm, colorful vibe of the studio as soon as I entered. Lots of light and lots of pink and purple.

The ladies at the front desk were also very friendly, which I appreciated. It seems silly, but I'm sometimes surprised at how cool people at the front desk of exercise studios can be. Especially if I'm coming in alone and feeling a bit awkward/nervous, it's nice to have a friendly person greet me.

I purchased the current deal: $39 for an unlimited month-long package. If I go once a week, it'll make classes less than $10 each!

Theodora grabbed me a mat and saved me a spot while I finished signing in and changed. We chatted on our mats before class started, which wasn't out of place. Some studios are very quiet before class, but it seemed like there were lots of people who knew each other since the room was lively prior to the start of class.

The classroom was fairly crowded, but that makes sense at lunchtime in such a busy neighborhood like Chelsea. It wasn't so crowded that I ever touched anyone else, which is where I draw the line. I don't want anyone's foot in my face when I'm trying to relax!

From Laughing Lotus's website, here's the description of Lotus Hour: Nourish your body, mind and soul in this one hour yoga party.   All levels. 1hr.


The class was taught by Molly Davidson. She started by talking about compassion for oneself for a minute or so then played the harmonium and we all joined in a few choruses of "om." It was a bit much for me, personally. I'm just not that into those kinds of things in my yoga classes. However, as long as it takes up no more than 5 minutes of a class, I am fine with it.

In this class, Molly briefly talked, then got us into practice quickly. So no complaints here! And it was cool to have her play the harmonium at the beginning and end of class.

The flow itself was different than the typical vinyasa flow that I'm used to, but left me feeling like my body was an inch or two taller and melting into my mat, just the way I like it. I think I may have fallen asleep during savasana...

Not going to lie, I'm easily wooed by a place with green juice and tasty healthy snacks from Terri available. And comfy-looking couches. 
Overall, I enjoyed my experience at Laughing Lotus. I thought the class was a good basic yoga class and can understand why Theodora is such a fan of the place!

I'm glad that I checked out Laughing Lotus and I'm looking forward to trying other yoga classes there. In particular, I want to take Lounging Lotus, since the description says you experience the melting of the body and the mind into a state of deep relaxation. Yes please!

The Facts
Length - 1 hour
Cost - $20 walk-in, $18 if booked online (newbie special of $39 for 1 month unlimited)
Location - Chelsea (636 Sixth Avenue, entrance on 19th Street, third floor). 
Skill Level - Anyone! Lotus Hour is open to all, but if you're brand new to yoga you may want to start with a class that has an instructor demonstrating everything at the front of the room.


  1. Hey, that's really close to me! And my package of classes at my go-to studio just expired ... hmmm. ;)

  2. Sounds good. I definitely need to try it out. Maybe one day after work since it's close to my office.

  3. I love Lotus! I also think it's the sign of a good class if you fall asleep at the end! It's amazing how yoga relaxes you!
