
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bits and Pieces: New Hair, NYC Half Presents & Core Foods Review

Lots of random things to share today!

I'm Blonde(r)!
Yesterday I decided I was sick of having dishwater brown/blonde hair, since I haven't colored my hair in two years, so I headed to a nearby salon for highlights. I'm typically very careful with who I let touch my hair because it's a lot thicker than it looks and I've had some disastrous haircuts and colors.

But I threw caution to the wind yesterday (seriously, it was really windy) and made an appointment at a salon near me, Blondi's, that had a 20% student discount. Highlights were $80 with the discount and a glaze to better blend things in was $35, for a grand total of $115. If you know NYC prices, you know that's a pretty good deal! A blowout wasn't included, but I just blow dried my hair myself before leaving. I think my stylist, Randy, did a great job and I'm pretty happy with it!

I then wore a pink headband, pink top, purple sports bra, and blue shoes to my workout that afternoon. Yep, full-on Barbie in honor of the blonde hair.

I mainly wanted to color my hair because I have so many photo-filled events coming up. In addition to races, I have Barristers Ball (AKA "law school prom"), graduation, and traveling with my parents for four days after graduation.

Core Foods Review
I received a sample of Core Foods in the mail through my role as a Sweat Pink Ambassador. I was excited because a healthy meal to-go means more time to sleep in the morning! These are definitely a meal since they range from 350-400 calories (the package says one of these plus a glass of water is the equivalent of a bowl of oatmeal).

However, I was dismayed by the taste. While they tasted ok at first, the aftertaste was really unpleasant. I sent one with Sourabh for him to try and he didn't want to finish it. I will admit, we're both a bit picky, and I have gotten over unpleasant tastes in the past for performance foods before a run. But since this is supposed to be more like a meal, I was disappointed.

The ingredients are great, however. Seven ingredients each that are organic and gluten-free for those who need that. There are also amino acids and lots of plant fiber in each one.

I love the idea of these, but I just wasn't sold on the taste. However, if you don't mind that when looking for performance foods, this might be something to check out!

NYC Half Presents

I got a few lovely presents in honor of my PR at the NYC Half that I wanted to share. I got them a while ago, but my phone died last Wednesday and I was phone-less for a week, so I couldn't take pictures of the necklace until now!

Sourabh got me this necklace after I mentioned how much I loved the quote on it. It's a custom engraved necklace from Erica Sara Designs that says "Above all, be the heroine of your own life," a Nora Ephron quote. I absolutely love the necklace and wore it through a tough strength-training workout just fine yesterday. (FYI: I'll be working at the ESD booth on Saturday, April 13, during the MORE/Fitness Half Marathon Expo. If you're in town, drop by and say hi!)

I got this gift before the Half -- a big box of nuun from my parents! It's great to have a stockpile of this stuff. I'll never be lacking in electrolytes ;)

And finally, these gorgeous flowers were a gift from my trainer, Amanda. They lasted a really long time and were absolutely beautiful. They made my apartment look like spring, even if it doesn't feel like spring outside!!

Have you received any special gifts after running a race?


  1. Love the hair, LOVE the necklace and who doesn't love nuun and flowers. So many wonderful presents :)

    And I am officially excited for the Expo! I will not make sure I come on Saturday so I can finally meet you!!

  2. Love your hair! I'm hoping Jim gets me a necklace after the full this fall but we'll see if he picked up on the hints :) lol
    That's so sweet of your trainer to get you flowers! And nuun is like the best stuff ever!

    1. Honestly I just told Sourabh before my first half that I'd like one to make sure I got it ;) Then he learned after that!

  3. That is AWESOME. The only gift I ever get for a race is a lot of whining from my husband how long/cold/hot/windy/crowded it is. But your hair looks GREAT.

    1. Thanks, Emily!! It's fun to get back to blonde :)

  4. Hair, necklaces, Nuun--sounds like a great week! First, that is a total hair-coloring steal! I wonder if my old student ID would work ... anyway, that's so cute your parents sent you a truckload of Nuun. They know you so well!

    1. They actually didn't ask for my ID. I think it's because it's close to Columbia. But even without the discount, at $100, it's still a pretty good deal for partial highlights!

  5. You are having a great week! Your hair looks so beautiful. One day I'm gonna take the plunge and go blonde. And those flowers... do you know what kind they are? They're beautiful!

    1. Thank you!! I'm actually not sure but I wish I knew, because they lasted for a week. They were fantastic :)
