
Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekly Goals and Workout Recap: Tired Legs and Last Week Till NYC Half

Happy Monday!

Alas, last week's training was not the week I expected to have. My legs felt incredibly tired and fatigued from Friday to Sunday. I still got in three quality runs (all speedy) and a yoga class, but I was expecting a much higher mileage week.

Bea kindly illustrating how my legs felt - like they'd curled up and died. 
I didn't want to push them to race things they couldn't do. Since my race is now less than a week away, I figured running on tired legs wouldn't increase my fitness like it would a month or two away from training. It would only make them more tired coming into this rest week prior to the NYC Half.

So, I went with it. I didn't run on my exhausted legs after my long run. I didn't take a Refine Method class Sunday morning as planned, meaning I didn't strength train last week. And I'm trying not to freak out (and mostly succeeding).

This was on my bedtime Yogi Tea bag. I'm not sure sub-2:00 is "the most impossible challenge," but somehow this seemed relevant. Actually, their tea bags always seem relevant. How do they do that?

Anyway, I had a great training cycle up until the calf pain and this leg fatigue, and I'm not going to let that worry me. I know I have sub-2:00 in me and I am pretty sure I can bust it out for the NYC Half!

So on to last week's training recap and this week's goals.

Workout Recap

Monday: Power yoga at NY Loves Yoga.

Tuesday: Mile race and relay races at Armory.

Wednesday: Rest day. (Felt some quad tightness/pain)

Thursday: 3 miles on TM at 0.5% incline and 8:55 avg pace, speeding up every 1/2 mile.

Friday: Rest day. (Continued quad tightness/pain)

Saturday: Long run (7 miles). Originally planned for 13, then was advised that this would only put me at higher risk of injury given the fact that I had quad pain and the calf issues two weeks ago. Splits: (1) 9:04, (2) 9:08, (3) 9:04, (4) 9:24 - Cat Hill, (5) 9:18, (6) 9:45 - Harlem Hill, (7) 9:25.

Was shooting for 8 but ended up doing 7 because my legs were so tired and tight. Got a massage after this run and it seemed to really help the tightness issue, although not the fatigue issue.

Sunday: Rest day. (Fatigued legs)

This Week's Goals
This week, following Hal Higdon's schedule gives me ~9 miles prior to the Half. I'll see how I'm feeling and possibly drop that down a bit and replace with restorative yoga.

Monday: Yoga + 4 mile easy run
Wednesday: Tempo run (30 mins)
Thursday: 2 mile easy run
Friday-Saturday: lots of foam rolling, stretching, yoga-ing

How did your workouts go last week? What are your goals for this week?


  1. Good luck in the half! Crossing fingers for good weather!

  2. Good luck, I am thinking of you this week and will be cheering you along on Sunday! Your training has been so amazing you should definitely have confidence in yourself for sub 2 - my mantra when I when for sub 2 last year throughout the race "you've trained for this" trust in it.

    My training was pretty on point last week hit just over 40 miles and got my first age group award :)

    This should be my final peak week prior to my half 3/23...and of course I am facing down 10-12 hour work days this week. That was a fun Sunday call to get to "expect long hours" sigh. Here's to running on no sleep this week (already tired from losing an hour...)

  3. Wow, I can't believe your race is this weekend! It's smart to rest up and not push it. Like you wrote, running on tired and sore legs won't help you this weekend. Embrace the taper--you've earned it! :)
