
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Weekend Nesting

Saturday morning I woke up naturally around 7:45 AM feeling well-rested after an early bedtime the night before. Because early Friday night bedtimes are how I roll, baby. Don't be jealous of my rockstar lifestyle.

Anyway, after reading some blogs and eating a leisurely breakfast, I pulled on comfy clothes, picked up some Starbucks, and headed to Home Goods to browse their decorative offerings. 

For a while now I've been wanting to decorate our apartment a bit better, and I decided to spend my Saturday searching for some fun additions. I got really lucky and found a ton of great decorative items that I really love, and I must have saved well over $100 from comparative stores. Sunday evening I spent another hour or so browsing Michael's and picking up a few other things to finish up the decorating. 

I'm now really excited about our living room! I think it's SO much nicer than it used to be and really feels "homey." This weekend, we might move furniture around, so I'll take some pictures of the new layout when we do that. Oh, and the bedroom is still a disaster zone from a "pretty" perspective, so something must be done there...

For now, I wanted to share the decor I got!

Flowers - $10, Vase - $25 (both Home Goods) 
 I LOVED this vase when I saw it at Home Goods. I am a fan of almost every color in the green to blue spectrum, but turquoise and sea green in particular are favorites. Love how this jar looks slightly worn.

Frame - $8ish
(can't remember exactly and threw away the receipt!) 
 This is one of Sourabh's favorite photos of us -- graduation from Dartmouth College! We were friends first and only started dating junior year of undergrad. Yes, we both look a lot younger considering it was only 3 years ago!

Fun fact - when we started dating, Sourabh only needed to shave once or twice a week. Now, he has the start of a beard by the end of the day. I think this is hilarious for some reason.

Vase - $12 (Home Goods), Willows - $6 (Whole Foods)  
The vase I loved but wasn't sure what to do with -- it seemed odd to put flowers in it for some reason, and I didn't want to only be decorating with flowers. When I saw these willows at Whole Foods that afternoon, I knew they were perfect for it! Hopefully the cats don't knock it over...

Shadowbox - $13 (Home Goods)
I LOVE the shadowboxes I see on Pinterest. But let's be honest, I'm not going to go buy the wood and glass and magnets to create one myself, especially not when I could buy one for only $13.

Here's what I put inside:

  1. Sourabh at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, and our ticket stub from the AFC Championship game in 2012 when the Patriots beat the Ravens. Sourabh is a huge Pats fan and he was so incredibly excited about this game! It was also the coldest I think I've ever been. FYI -- we got our tickets at a steep discount on eBay the day before. There are some great sports tickets deals on eBay!
  2. Speaking of which -- terrific Knicks tickets we got in 2012 by buying off eBay. This was before Linsanity, when the Knicks were losing to terrible teams like the Bobcats. Sitting so close to the court totally spoiled us!
  3. Walt Disney World ticket stub from our two-year anniversary trip there in 2010. 
  4. Photo from my law firm's company party at the Central Park Zoo in Summer 2011. It was almost 100 degrees that day and we were dying of the humidity.
  5. Obligatory Golden Gate Bridge picture and vintage postcard of the Pacific Coast Highway from our 2011 California Road Trip.
  6. Post-NYC Half 2013!! Katie (undergrad friend), Hana (firm friend), Sourabh and me. 
  7. Book of Mormon ticket stub. Holy crap this show was hilarious, and I normally don't like musicals. The one and only time we'll ever be ahead of the trends -- Sourabh is a big South Park fan and bought tickets the instant they went on sale so we got to see it in May 2011!
  8. Paris subway map from our trip there in 2012. 
  9. London Eye ticket stub from our whirlwind 3 day trip there for our three year anniversary in 2011.
Phew. Honestly, putting that together reminded me of all the awesome adventures we've had in the four-and-a-half years we've been together. And it made me think how spoiled I was being by feeling bummed that we hadn't traveled anywhere over spring break since Sourabh needed to study. Apparently decorating can lead to self-reflection? 

Bowl - $2.99, Potpourri - $8.99, Candle - mine (all Michaels) 
I loved the idea of a decorative bowl on the dining table since this is one of the most frequented spaces by the cats (of course) so they're very likely to knock something over here. It's impossible for them to knock a big heavy glass bowl over, right?

Large frames - $7-8 each (Home Goods), Black frames - $3-4 (Home Goods and Michael's) 
Picture frames! Also, I got a deeper basket for this space. Sourabh is an "enter the apartment and drop things on the side table" person, so having a deep basket for him to leave his keys, wallet, etc. in should help keep the space clear.

The pictures are some of my favorites -- Sourabh and me with Mason up at Mt Shuksan in Washington, after I finished the race, by our favorite pond in Central Park (again with Mason), in Paris, and at a holiday party from 2010. There's also a picture of my parents in there!

Frames - $3-4 each (Michael's and Home Goods)
It's hard to see these pictures -- they're just more fun photos and family pictures. I am fully expecting these to be knocked down by the marauding cats so they are the cheapest frames!

Basket - already had, Foam brick - $3, Flowers - $14 total (Michael's) 
I already had this basket from Christmas but wanted to fill it with spring flowers. I went with these daisies and lavender sprigs, which I inserted into a foam brick and placed in the bottom of the basket. I put my rain boots there because they just seemed nice and spring-y. Hopefully they can stay there for the next 7 months!

Fruit basket - $7
This doesn't seem very exciting unless you have a small NYC kitchen. Before, fruit would spread across the counter, but now I have a place to keep it, giving me a lot more kitchen prep space!

There were a few other bits and pieces I got at the two stores, like some candles, but that is most of it. Once we put the shadowbox and grad picture up on the wall, we'll be set! I'm so excited about how much more of a home our apartment looks like. And it only took 14 months!

How long does it take you to "nest" in a new place? Do you like decorating?


  1. Love your decorations, Jen! My apartment was pretty bare for a few months, so it took me a while to truly nest and settle in. Plus decorating seems so daunting to me--and very adult-like too. ;)

  2. I love it! We just got our house and I have absolutely no idea how to decorate. Thinking I will go on Pinterest to get some ideas :)

  3. Early Friday bedtimes and Home Goods are two of my favorite things. I feel like nesting is a never ending process... I am constantly wanting to redecorate and rearrange! Your new additions look great!! Love the green vase.

  4. I love that you decorated with pictures and other memories - it's always nice to see what has happened

  5. I have to get to Michael's now. I've been meaning for ages and ages to go and get frames for the multiple pictures I have yet to put up. Great seeing you on Saturday!
