
Friday, March 15, 2013

NYC Half Weekend is Here!

Ok guys, it's race weekend! Keeping it short and sweet and telling the world my goals. Not that I haven't done that already. As opposed to my first half, where the goal was just to finish and, hopefully, do so in under-10:00 miles, this time I have some BSGs: Big Scary Goals.

This is the determined look I hope to have for the whole on Sunday. 
From the moment I press publish until the end of race day, I'm going to eliminate negative thoughts and keep telling myself that I can meet my A goal. I am capable. I've had a rough week but I'm feeling ok today. The pink eye is mostly over it seems and I'm a bit sniffly and head achey, but hopefully two more nights of rest will lead to me being totally ready come Sunday.

So, here are my A, B, and C goals:

A: 1:59:59 or under. The further under the better.

B: 2:03:00. I wouldn't love this for obvious reasons. But hey, I'd take it. It'd still be a 6 minute PR.

C: PR, so anything under 2:09:34.

Those B and C goals? They'd be consolation prizes. I am gunning for that A goal and I'll be running for it with everything I have in the tank come Sunday morning.

Yayyy undergrad bffs reunited!
(BFF = best friend forever, Mom. Just FYI.)
My friend Katie, the reason I'm running the Chicago Marathon, is flying in to the city tonight. She's on spring break from medical school, so she's visiting me in NYC for four days. It's her first time in the city! I am SO excited that I'll have her cheering me on, in addition to a bunch of other amazing people who have said they'll be out there. They will be getting shout outs as well, believe me.

If you're cheering at the race, let me know so I can look out for you! I'm not sure what I'll be wearing yet. High of 45 and low of 32 with some sun is so tough. I'm waiting to see the projected wind speed -- lots of wind means cold means I'm bundling up.

Ok, that's it. I'm done. Time to foam roll, drink tons of water, and carb load for Sunday morning!!!

Are you cheering at the race? Running the race?? What's an unexpected NYC thing that Katie and I should do? WHAT SHOULD I WEAR???? 


  1. I am cheering for you and sending good luck your way!!! You are going to rock this race. I cannot wait to hear about it. Whatever you do just enjoy it! Continue to rest up!
    I would wait to see how the wind is going to be that is key. For that weather and that many miles I usually wind up in cold gear pants, a singlet and sleeves. I HATE being too warm and prefer to go with less. maybe a throw away long sleeve though?

  2. Have fun with Katie! I will be there in full force--I'm quite loud in terms of spectating events, so you'll hear me. :)

  3. It'll be 30-35 degrees when we're running, I think. I'm planning on a light long-sleeve pullover top (with no t-shirt underneath because I hate when t-shirts ride up), my fave pair of spandex, thin gloves, and a fleece headband. Can't wait to hear how you do! Good luck! :)

  4. GOOD LUCK girl!! You are going to do great and hopefully get that sub-2 half :) I am aiming for one too at the Brooklyn Half!

  5. Yay!!! You already know I will be out there. You will do AWESOME

  6. Time to get excited! Have a FANTASTIC run and I can't wait to hear about your race :)

  7. You got this! I can't wait to see your results! You're going to do great!

  8. Keep those positive thoughts up! You are absolutely going to crush that sub-2! I'm just hoping for PR as well (current is 2:10:46). Hope to see you before/after to celebrate! Go Jen!!! :)

  9. Can't wait to see how you do!! Enjoy it! Wish I were out there running with you :) xoxo see you soon!
