
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hey Body... Get It Together!

Thank you so much for all of your kind words yesterday! They made me feel much less nervous. I really appreciate it!

Only last night, I started frantically texting running friends about what felt like a sore throat. It got worse and worse all evening so I went to bed around 9:45 PM with a 7:45 AM wake-up planning on getting plenty of sleep (that part worked out).

Unfortunately I also woke up with the conjunctivitis that my boyfriend had been treating for a few days (AKA pink eye). Thanks, Sourabh. Oh, the joys of cohabitation. He's been cooking Indian food for us a lot lately, so I guess I'll let him stay.

I'm SICK. See, you can tell from my sad face and big headband.
But luckily I have that sweet owl mug that holds copious amounts of hot liquid. 
Anyway, it looks like I have pink eye (not so much the pinkness, just the gross crusty-ness. I'M HOT) and a sore throat that's potentially a cold given how my sore throats normally run. Wednesday of rest week. No me gusta.

My plan of action includes lots of rest, warm liquids with lemon and honey, and lots of zinc. But not at the same time as the tea with lemon since citrus + zinc = terrible nausea, just FYI. It's science, yo.

Thankfully, cheering me up is this giant case of Chobani that arrived yesterday!

Check out that deliciousness! Pear, banana, plain, strawberry, and a ton of the awesome new bite flavors. Sourabh and I shared a raspberry dark chocolate bite last night and it was super tasty. Can't wait to work through these and share some fun recipes. Thanks, Chobani!!

Ok, going to physical therapy and restorative yoga (with my own yoga mat so I don't touch anyone, don't worry) then curling up like Ms. Betty here.

Oh-so-happy fat kitty.

Have you been sick during a race week? How did you handle it?


  1. Oh Jen! I hope you feel better soon! Lots of rest these next few days!!

    1. Thanks, Ruthie. Crossing my fingers. And toes! And getting lots of rest :)

  2. Boo being sick! I was sick for my half marathon last fall. Pretty much it was a steady diet of rest, soup, tea, and Emergen-C from Wednesday through race day morning. One thing I wish I had done was try to eat more than just soup. The days of a mostly liquid diet caught up to me at about mile 8. But otherwise, I was okay on race day.

    1. I'm trying to eat a lot, thankfully haven't lost my appetite!! Glad to hear that you were able to make it through your half marathon while sick.

  3. Oh no, rest up and feel better and try not to stress about it so sorry not having the best week ever (sounds slightly reminiscent of my pre marathon week)
    I am SO SO JEALOUS of your chobani delivery!
    I am obsessed with the pear and banana and bites and well all of it. But seriously those two new flavors amazeballs. And I stay away from the 2% usually - but now with the banana I am a fan! Enjoy :)

    1. Thanks, Gianna! I really like the pear flavor and the bites frozen are just fantastic!

  4. Hope you feel better asap!! Make sure you get as much rest as possible!

    1. Thanks, Brittany! Trying to get lots of rest :)

  5. Ahh, boo. :( Rest up, Jen! Let me know if you like the Chobani pear!

    1. Thanks, Carrie! REALLY like the Chobani Pear. Delicious!

  6. I have dealt with being under the weather during race week. It isnt fun, but if you take care of yourself you can get through it! Lots of rest, and emergen C :)

    Feel better! Ali
