
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Class Review: 30/30 Class at Pilates ProWorks

Saturday afternoon, I attended a class at Pilates ProWorks, courtesy of Kristine. She set up a 30/30 class for friends and bloggers to try out the studio.

I was really nervous since it was after a long run and I'd never used a reformer machine before, but I'd heard great things about Pilates ProWorks (PPW) and wanted to check them out. I'm so glad I didn't cancel despite being worn out from my 12 miler!

I really liked PPW's space. I'm not a fan of 14th Street, where it's located. I'm just used to the relative calmness of the Upper West Side, I guess, because I always feel slightly jarred when I get out of the subway and head towards Union Square.

Coming off the street, PPW seemed like an oasis with lots of clean lines, bright lights, and cool colors.

And the message is clear as soon as you enter the studio. These workouts are hardcore and they'll get you a hard core.

After explaining a bit about the workouts, Jackie and Jenn split us into two groups with one group starting in the FitFormer (PPW's version of a reformer) room and one in the TRX and barre room. The FitFormer is exclusive to Pilates ProWorks and is made from stainless steel, titanium and bamboo.

My group started with Jenn in the FitFormer room doing a 30 minute version of what I believe was the Pilates ProMethod class. This was my favorite part of the class because I'd never used a reformer machine before and enjoyed learning how to manipulate the machine in all different ways to perform a huge number of exercises.

Most of the exercises focused on the core weren't super difficult for me, but I have a pretty strong core. It was the leg and arm exercises I struggled with more -- the kneeling splits in particular, which focused on the inner thighs, were killer.

I thought Jenn did a great job of demonstrating the highly technical exercises since she had to be restricted to one machine. She definitely made an effort to get around the room and make adjustments, which was a big help. Since there's a limited number of machines, the class is fairly small and allows for plenty of adjustments.

Because I felt like I was learning something constantly, these 30 minutes flew by. By the second half of the class, I was definitely tired, so I was less into the BarreX portion of the class.

I always love a good TRX workout! Everything involving the TRX specifically I loved (and loathed, because that's just the kind of relationship one has with a TRX).

However, the barre moves I was less into. I haven't taken a barre class in a while just because I haven't been into the small movements lately. But if you enjoy barre and want an extra oomph, this is the perfect class, and Jackie was a terrific Barre and TRX instructor.

The afternoon finished with some gift bags courtesy of Real Food Real Life. I haven't tried the products yet but will report back on them!

Overall I really enjoyed the class. Union Square is a bit far for me, but I'd love to schedule a pilates date followed by Union Square Greenmarket shopping sometime. I really liked the studio and would love to take a 60 minute Pilates ProMethod class.

The Facts:
Length - 60 minutes for 30/30, 55 minutes for other classes
Cost - $35 (first class is $25)
Location - Union Square (47 W 14th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, second floor)
Skill Level - Anyone! I'd never tried a reformer machine before and was fine, and others were new to TRX and were given plenty of instruction.


  1. I absolutely LOVE pilates reformer classes...but sadly just hate the price and can't justify it on a regular basis. But I am always on alert for groupon/living social deals to snatch up.

    1. I know, so expensive! I think it'd be a fun treat for once a month maybe :)

  2. I definitely preferred BarreX to the Pilates class... but maybe sometime we could take different classes at the same time and then go greenmarket shopping? One of my favorite things ever.

    1. I think since I do TRX with my trainer pretty often, the allure has worn off (although I still love it, it's just not Fun! and New! and Exciting!).

      And yes please let's do that. Sounds amazing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ill go back with you to take a class..and shop :)

    1. Class and shopping date sounds excellent!

  5. I love Pilates Reformer classes! I think it's the allure of the Reformer machine - so versatile. I think I'll try them out and if I like them sign up through FITiST since their class packs are very reasonably priced.

    1. Great idea! I just realized I can use my Fitist package for that, too!

  6. Union Square is so chaotic! It always feels like a zoo, but I go there for DSW. ;)

    Anyway, this sounds like a great class! I used a reformer during my ACL-meniscus surgery rehab, and it was fun. Quite sweaty, but very fun. :)

    1. Oh I didn't think about that, but I bet the FitFormer would be great for people rehabbing from injuries! Very low impact but a tough workout.

  7. I've never taken any type of reformer class. I know SLT has classes(where I do yoga). Looks like a great workout!
