
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ab-Tastic Core Workout

Two weekends ago, I put together this core workout for Abby and me. We both wanted to complete a short workout that concentrated on the core but also included a few glute and arm exercises.

I put this together for us and we did two sets. It was killer! We were both sore for three days afterwards and I almost never get sore abs.

This is a great core workout to add to a cardio workout or just to bust out while watching TV since you can replace the medicine ball with a weight or something heavy in your house!

As always, here are demo videos for each exercise:

Set 1
Isolated Bicycle (as demonstrated, but doing each side individually)
Glute Kick-Backs
Side Plank-Ups
Glute Lifts (starting at 1:03)

Set 2
Ball-Toe Sit-Ups
Super Man (starting at 1:45)

To Finish:
Plank (see how long you can go!)

What's your favorite core exercise?


  1. Core strength is so important! I don't do New Year's resolutions, but one of my fitness goals this year included doing ab work on a regular basis. Right now, I love and hate planks--they're so tough!

    1. Planks are a lot easier for me, personally, than the leg work. That stuff kills me!!!

  2. Great workout, thanks for posting! Some good exercises to add to my routine. I slacked on core work for a while and with running you can't stress enough just how important it is!

    1. I know, I'd been slacking, too. The Abs by April challenge and just thinking about it more has helped a lot :)

  3. Love these!!! They look so good. I remembered we still need to meet up for the Abs By April post! Sorry, I was so stressed out about my exam but now I'm normal again.. lets do it :)

  4. Have you tried the Nike training 15 minute workouts? They have pretty good ab workouts there!

    But will give this a try... spring break 1 week away... ugh...

  5. And as discussed... ignore my comment!!!

    1. Definitely try this!! It's tough but good :)
