
Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekly Goals: I'm not injured!

Good news: my legs are looking like they aren't really injured!! Let me back up quickly. New Year's Day, Tuesday, was a beautiful, bright and sunny day. The sun wanted to wish us Washingtonians a Happy New Year, apparently. It was the kind of day that's extremely rare in Washington in the winter. Sorry, have I mentioned this before? Oops.

the 5 day forecast from Friday. Friday was also rainy. Thursday's supposed to be "partly cloudy," so that's something! 
It gets a bit rainy here, what can I say. That's why it's so green (hence our nickname as the Evergreen State!). But when it's sunny, I honestly don't think there is any more beautiful place. Giant mountains jut out of the ocean, canyons have been carved by rivers in Eastern Washington, and waves pound the coast of the Olympic Peninsula.

That's why, when I saw three days of sun on the forecast, I had to make the most of them. A seaside walk on Tuesday to celebrate the new year (taking it easy on the legs, of course).

Driving to Vancouver with my sister on Wednesday, with a quick jaunt south to watch the sunset over the San Juan Islands.

And finally, a visit to Whidbey Island to walk along the coast and see the Olympic Mountains and catch a glimpse of Mt. Rainier (invisible in photos, unfortunately).

Which brings us to Friday. It was rainy all day so I spent the day doing pro bono work, but then! The clouds cleared enough to allow some rays of sunshine through for a brief 45 minutes before sunset. I felt great after a massage Thursday night (um, $90 for two massages? How could I say no!?). I ran 2 miles only, but I felt zero pain or discomfort. I'm not going to be pushing it any time soon, but I am so happy that it looks like whatever happened on race day was a muscle tightness issue that is hopefully mostly over.

Saturday I took my dad's yoga class and again felt not the slightest twinge. But I also started feeling sick. Yes, it looks like my body concentrated on healing my muscles rather than fighting off the cold viruses that have plagued my family for the past few weeks. So I spent the rest of the day and Sunday morning resting and hanging out with these guys. Quite a bit of Homeland was watched.

Dog cuddles cure colds, right? Well, dog cuddles, lots of nuun and water, and cold medicine. But mostly the dog cuddles. (FYI that's not medical advice.)

And after lots of rest, I hopped in the car for the two-and-a-half hour drive to Seattle to pick up Sourabh! It was a long drive, but I was so happy to see him. Weekends apart don't feel like a big deal, but by the end of 2.5 weeks I was really missing him! Sourabh came out to visit Washington and my family for the rest of our law school break. He has a paper he'll be working on during the first week (and besides, the forecast is ... you guessed it: rain). But in the second week we'll be doing some fun day trips around Washington and possibly down to Portland (which I mainly want to visit because of Portlandia). Crossing my fingers for better weather!

Speaking of Sourabh, my mom showed me this New Yorker cartoon and I had to laugh. They basically captured my life:

I snapped the below pic after coming home from a run, rather than going out for one, but still... pretty close, down to the dog. Only now, Sourabh is going to try running with me!!

Which brings me to my first goals post of 2013!

Goals for this week:
I want to take it easy because I really don't want to reinjure myself. But I don't want to lose fitness, so I'm going to concentrate on low mileage, strength training, and plenty of yoga. This is all assuming my cold doesn't get any worse!

• 2 strength training sessions
• 1 spin session (30 mins b/c I have no attention span without an instructor)
• 3 yoga classes
• 3 short runs (10 miles total) -- with Sourabh!

How have your fitness goals gone in the first week of 2013?


  1. So glad to hear that you aren't injured! And that is the best approach to just ease into it and not attempt any epic runs too soon. I've always learned the hard way with too much too soon.

    1. Yes, I definitely don't want any recurring injuries, so I'm trying to go slow but steady!

  2. Gorgeous pictures first of all--and quick different from NYC! Glad to hear you're not injured! I think you're taking the right approach to ease back into things, especially since you're feeling under the weather too.

    1. Thanks! WA is such a gorgeous place ... when sunny :) NYC actually has better weather, despite its reputation for being chilly and terrible, because it's sunny more often!

  3. You know, a few months ago, I injured myself during training (a strained soleus and some pain in my knee). I wasn't running much, so I hit the pool instead. I was swimming 40 minutes a night or so and hitting the steam room.

    I didn't think much of it at first. I mean, I didn't feel like I was getting much of a workout. But when I hit the trails, my breathing and endurance felt great. Almost as if I hadn't missed a beat running. I'm guessing it was all of the swimming. So basically, I figure it's a good cross-training workout to relax the muscles from all of the pounding when running.

    1. I've been considering taking advantage of the YMCA where my parents live while I'm visiting just to swim a bit! I've heard it has incredible effects on cardio endurance. And I'm sure the steam room helped you a lot since it's wonderful for relaxing muscles!
