
Friday, January 11, 2013

Dairy-Free Almond Waffles Recipe

Somehow, it's supposed to be sunny for an entire week here. I would like to think that someone likes me, but honestly it's more likely someone got sick of me bitching about the weather and wanted to shut me up with sun. Well, consider me shut up.

I can actually show Sourabh the incredible mountains here! We're going to take advantage of the sun, regardless of how chilly it is. And thankfully it'll be sunny into next week so I don't have to worry about wasting a sunny day while I'm inside watching football (GO SEAHAWKS, by the way).

Anyway! I don't make fancy breakfasts at home. Really, I just make oatmeal, almond butter on toast, and occasionally some eggs. My dad, however, makes some incredibly tasty breakfasts for us on the weekend. Egg dishes, pancakes, and ... waffles! He's come up with a great dairy-free waffle recipe that uses almond meal, so it's not just tasty, it's quite healthy as far as waffles go. I figured I'd share it as a TGIF treat before I head out to do some freezing hiking!

Dairy-Free Almond Waffles Recipe
Serves 4

2 eggs, separated
2 c. almond milk
1 c. almond meal
1 c. whole wheat pastry flour
2 tbsp. oil of your choice (my dad uses canola oil)
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. sliced almonds (optional)
cinnamon to taste
coconut oil for greasing iron


1. Beat egg whites until stiff. Set aside.

2. Mix all other ingredients together (if you have a blender, this step is super easy).

3. Fold mix into egg whites, then sliced almonds if using.

4. Pour into waffle iron and bake!

What's your favorite "weekend" breakfast?


  1. Um yum. We love our grits and biscuits with homemade sausage gravy. SO unhealthy but when you eat healthy all week, sometimes it's nice to have a good Sunday breakfast. Plus it's a taste of home, I love the NYC bagels, but it just doesn't compare to Southern cooking (being unhealthy aside ;) )

    1. I'm normally much more of a savory person and when I ate meat I LOVED sausage gravy. I still love a good savory hash -- eggs over easy, hash browns, veggies, yummm. And yes, I'm a big believer in the 80/20 rule. I eat healthy 80% of the time and enjoy splurging 20% of the time!

  2. Mmmm, looks tasty! I just had a protein smoothie for now, but now I want a waffle! ;)

  3. Yumm these sound great!! I love almond milk and have some almond meal laying around I need to use, so I might try these soon!

    1. Let me know how they work out if you do! I don't normally like sweet breakfasts, but these are hearty enough that they keep me full and don't overwhelm with sweetness. And I love the coconut flavor the coconut oil adds!

  4. Oh yum thanks for sharing! I have a waffle maker and have actually been wanting to make some.

    Enjoy that sunshine :)

    1. Eating waffles while visiting my family has actually made me want to get a waffle maker! You can make them so tasty and nutritious if you're creative. And everyone deserves a treat now and then anyway ;)

  5. YES! I have to try this. I've mostly given up on waffles and pancakes but you made the recipe look so simple.

    1. It's really easy! The toughest part is folding the blended part into the egg whites, and that isn't even hard :)
