
Monday, December 17, 2012

Race Recap: 2012 NYC Runs Hot Chocolate 5K

Sunday was my last short race of 2013 and my first official 5K! I'd never run a 5K before, so I was a bit nervous. You're supposed to go all out for such a short distance, but I wasn't sure what "all out" would be for me. To make matters worse, I was still sore from a Refine Method class I took Friday evening.

Course Map!
The day did not dawn bright and sunny. It was that kind of misty not-quite-rain that permeates everything with a damp cold. I met Abby at the subway since we live near each other and we headed down together. She had generously agreed to pace me to my goal -- whatever that was. I wasn't quite sure, but I told her I wanted to keep my pace under 8:30 if possible.

We met up with Beth, Jenny, and Liz on Roosevelt Island and we hung out in Duane Reade for 15 minutes to stay warm. This may sound lame, but hanging out in the Safeway parking lot was the coolest thing to do for highschoolers my hometown. I can't speak to how cool it actually is because I never went. I hung out at a coffee shop and played board games and did not have a boyfriend. This was probably a good thing in retrospect.

We headed out to the race line a few minutes before the race was supposed to start and grabbed Ashley,  who was pacing Beth. So many fast runners willing to help out on Sunday! I love how supportive the running community is. I hope someday I can pay it forward by pacing someone.

This was my first NYC Runs race and I was impressed with the race. The organization is nowhere near the size of NYRR, but I liked that -- it meant the race felt like a local affair instead of a giant sea of runners. Sure, it wasn't as organized and there didn't seem to be specific corrals, but I felt like the race process went smoothly, and for $25 who could ask for more?

These were basically my thoughts during the race:
This feels fine! This will be great! Oh wait, this is feeling hard. Why is running so hard? Why does this feel so terrible? OH HEY THERE'S ABBY CHEERING (other Abby)! HI ABBY!! Ok, ow, what is happening. Must keep up with Pacer Abby. I might pass out. I might not finish. There's no way I'm making this. 3.1 miles is the longest distance ever. I will clearly never finish running. There's a puddle, I wonder if I could convincingly fake a fall and then lie down.
I know. Diehard winner here. I legitimately thought, "it would be nice to fall and lie down" around mile 2.75.

BUT. I kept going. I used a bunch of mantras. I had my Erica Sara Say It Do It bracelet engraved to say "Run Faster Be Stronger." It's inspired me many times and it worked again; I repeated it as I breathed in and out. Once that got too repetitive to have meaning, I started pumping myself up by telling myself increasingly embarrassing things: "You are strong! You are fierce! You are a warrior woman!" I am admitting this only because I think it actually helped me as I ran.

I have to give huge thanks to the best pacer ever. Abby didn't try to talk to me (because I was breathing too hard to be able to talk much), but she let me know as we hit various distance points, pointed out a few things, and encouraged me when I needed it most in the last mile.

Here are my splits according to Abby's Garmin:

Perfect negative splits! An 8:22 pace according to NYC Runs and an 8:15 pace according to Abby's Garmin. I actually started breathing asthmatically during that 7:11 paced .11 mile and Abby later said she was a bit worried I might die. But I didn't!

Best. Pacer. Ever.
(also, I have totally hot chipmunk face here)
And not only did I not die, I placed 12th in my age division out of 137!! I didn't learn this until later and was ecstatic. Like I said... BEST PACER EVER.

After we finished, Abby and I cheered on the sidelines before we all gathered together for the delicious hot chocolate. We also met up with Fiona after the race as -- she placed 4th in her age division!!

Racers! L-R:  Fiona, Ashley, Liz, Beth, me, Jenny, and Abby
(thanks for the picture, Beth!)
This race was SO hard to run, but I am incredibly happy with the results. Less than a year and a half ago I was telling my trainer that I was incapable of running. Her advice then, as I mentioned in my year-end running survey, was the best running advice I've gotten: yes, you can.

Did you race last weekend or do you have an upcoming race? What was your best race experience in 2012?


  1. YAY!!! So glad I could help you reach your goal yesterday! And so impressed with how fast you're becoming so quickly! Can't wait to see you set all new PRs in 2013 too! :) Congrats again!!!

    1. I'm crediting running with speedy runners :) Thanks again!!!

  2. NICE JOB!! Congrats on your awesome time! I missed you guys yesterday but had a pretty good 10K. You are going to have a great Half in a couple weeks!

    1. Thank you!! I wish we'd been able to meet up after! We would have stayed to cheer if it hadn't been such a gross day. Hopefully we can run another race together soon!

  3. It really helps to have a faster runner to pace you. Glad it worked for you! I got a new PR out of the 10K, 5 minutes faster. It helped that it was colder and the course flatter. My previous 10K was in Flushing Meadows Park in July of this year.

    1. Wow, 5 minutes faster is amazing! Congrats! The flat course definitely helps a lot, and I really prefer colder weather for racing. I'm loving winter running!

  4. I didn't know you were there on Sunday! I ran the 10k but didn't see you guys!

    1. Oh shoot, I didn't know you were there either! Would have said hi and wished you luck. Hope your 10k went well!!

  5. Congrats on an awesome race! I love the inner dialogue! I did the 10K and it felt hard the whole time. Would've loved to have met you on Sunday but I'm sure it'll happen soon! Cherry Blossom here we come! :)

    1. Thanks, Kim! Congrats on your 10K. I'm bummed we didn't meet up, but we should do a Cherry Blossom get together in January. I'm so excited for it!

  6. Congrats on a great race! You negative-split the run perfectly--way to go! I totally agree with you about NYCRUNS; it was my first time running one of their events (and my first NYC races in general), and I really liked how it felt like a smaller race. And I really liked the $25 registration fee. ;)

    1. That registration fee was music to my ears!! Smaller races are the best. My next race is a tiny half-marathon and I'm really looking forward to it.

  7. Congrats! Great time! I have recently gone more "all out" on shorter races this fall, and it really is uncomfortable!

    I have done a few NYCRuns races and am a fan. Not too many frills but a great group of people and some times it is a really nice break from the chaos of NYRR races.

    1. Seriously, it is not pleasant! But the results are worth it :) I like to think of every time I push myself to stay in that unpleasant zone as me strengthening a muscle (the will power muscle). And yes, NYCRuns is great for those of us who like smaller races!
