
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Goals & Weekend Update: bossy pets & new blog friends

I knew the weekend was off to a wonderful start after a great class at Uplift Studios. I've written about Amanda's Warrior Fight Club class before, a mix of yoga and boxing, but she has seriously stepped up the class. I was considering taking another class after, but by the end I was completely exhausted. And her abs section was absolutely killer! 

Later on Friday, I met up with Beth to pick up our race bibs for Sunday's Join the Voices! 5 mile race in Central Park. We grabbed salads, chatted, and had a nice leisurely walk around the Upper East Side. I finally headed back to work on my part of a group project paper (cue groans about working in groups) and ended up having a mini photo shoot as I walked around the Reservoir. Somehow a grey day turned absolutely stunning as the sun set.

I grew up on a lake so I love seeing ducks -- they remind me of home
sunset + skyline
Saturday morning, Sourabh and I took Mason to the vet. He got a clean bill of health, but apparently is rather "bossy" so that's something we'll be working on with him in the coming months. He's a rescue and is pretty issue-free, but he isn't the best trained little dog so it's something that we have to focus on more.

"me? bossy?"
We stopped by Magnolia Bakery as we walked back from the vet and I got a coffee to power me through the group meeting I had to attend all afternoon. More group project fun! (That's sarcasm, FYI)

Magnolia has the right idea about how to celebrate winter -- baked goods!
Thankfully, I had something really fun to look forward to. A yoga and dinner date with Ashley at Strala Yoga with an instructor I hadn't taken before (Priya -- she was wonderful!) and Angelica Kitchen. I hadn't met Ashley in person before but we'd tweeted many times and I was really excited to meet her.

I love this print in Strala's dressing room
We ended up having such a great evening! The class was so relaxing and left my legs and hips loose and open (which I think led to a good race performance the next day -- recap to come). Angelica Kitchen was delicious and I can't wait to go back and try more things. And I just loved Ashley. After a really difficult year, she was still so sweet and upbeat. It is so much fun to meet fellow bloggers and healthy-living-enthusiasts. We were already planning future yoga and dinner dates before the evening had even ended.

SO excited to dig into this over Christmas break!
To make the day even better, I came home to my Christmas present from Katie, my undergrad bestie who clearly knows me too well. She sent me The Sprouted Kitchen, a whole foods-focused cookbook filled with beautiful photography and recipes that I can't wait to try. But her note also said that, to balance out the healthiness of the book, I should expect some cookies. Cannot wait. She is the best. baker. ever.

Besides the race, Sunday also included Erica Sara Designs' Trunk Show, where I picked up another Christmas present. Meeting more runners, wine and cheese, and gorgeous jewelry -- perfect cap to a weekend (especially since the rest of Sunday has been spent working on that group project...)

I am CRAZY excited about today's race, but I want to write it up in a proper recap and there is so much I want to write about, so I'm saving it for tomorrow. For now, let's go to goals!

Last week's goals
Here's how I did last week:
• 1 spin session (check -- spin session with Holly Rilinger at UWS Flywheel and it was awesome!)
• 3 runs -- 2 speed sessions, 1 long run of 8 miles including a race! (check-ish -- one run wasn't super speedy, but the second was and it was successful! See tomorrow for race recap)
• 2 yoga practices (check-ish -- warrior fight club is half yoga so basically 1.5 yoga classes)
• 2 strength sessions (oops, only did 1)

Goals for this week
I'm happy with how well I did with goals last week and want to keep it up this week!
• 1 spin session
• 3 runs -- 1 speed session, 1 medium run, 1 long run
• 2 yoga practices
• 2 strength sessions minimum

What are your goals for the week? Did you run a race this weekend? Do you have a bossy pet?


  1. Girl I love you!!! We must do this again. Peacefood this next thurs, fri, or sat??
    And I was so pumped to hear how awesome your race went. I bet you were on an awesome high all day.

    1. Yes!! Saturday would be perfect. Just let me know your schedule :)
