
Thursday, November 22, 2012

I am so thankful

I love that Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on everything that is wonderful in our lives. I feel so lucky and blessed to have an incredible number of things that make me happy. Since I don't want to write a Tolstoy-length novel, here are just a few things for which I am especially grateful.

Running. I started running last year, but I didn't start running outside much until this year. Finding my love of running has made me so much more aware of and thankful for the strength and capability of my body. It's made me have a much healthier body image and it's given me an easy way to ensure peace of mind. A run never fails to make things seem brighter. It's also made me love New York even more -- seeing its beauty while running is a constant reminder of how much I love this city.

my favorite running path in the city, the Reservoir Path in Central Park
New running/workout buddies. I've already made so many new friends through this blog and Twitter. It's wonderful to be able to chat and encourage other crazy runners. Long runs are much more fun with company! And it's so fun to make friends who aren't in law school (not that I don't love my law school friends, but I'm sure they'd be the first to admit that getting outside of law school is a good thing).

I would never have gotten up at 6:45 AM this morning to head into Central Park if Beth hadn't thought of making our own Turkey Trot. I got to meet some awesome ladies (and Ashley's husband, Bo!) and run on a beautiful day. Nothing makes you more grateful for your health than seeing how strong your body is at it powers you up a hill.

Beth, the mover and shaker of today, and me
with our medals after a successful Turkey Trot!
L to R: Shannon, Beth, Ashley, Liz, me and Nicole

My amazing friends. I have some pretty spectacular friends. Some I don't see that often and others I see almost every day at school, but I am thankful for every single one of them. Their support and humor keep me sane. My friend Lena came over to eat lunch with me and chat while I cleaned up for our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, and even helped make medals for the Turkey Trot! I promise I repaid her in chocolate.

the medals -- these may be the proudest accomplishment of my life since I'm not normally crafty!
Katie. It's rare for me to go a day and not email silly thoughts or ridiculous stories back and forth with Katie, my undergrad BFF. She not only puts up with them, she encourages them. For example, receiving three emails with my deep thoughts on Jeremy Renner's SNL performance last Saturday did not make her block me. She is the smartest person I know and her strength and resiliency continually amaze and inspire me. And she's a fantastic cook and baker, so you should follow her cooking blog!
on a too-rare visit to Chicago
I have a job. It's not exactly the most welcoming economy for new graduates right now, so to not be thankful for this would be downright ungrateful. To know that I have a position waiting for me when I graduate is such a huge relief. And I'm even luckier that I loved working at the firm this summer. Corporate law firm life entails long hours, so liking my co-workers will be huge. I made some great friends over the summer and can't wait to see them when I return next fall.

My family. They are warm and supportive and wonderful. Also very silly and sometimes infuriating and that's why they're my family and why I love them. Instead of telling me my idea of skyping with them during their Thanksgiving dinner was weird, they loved the concept of having me (virtually) there at the table.

my sister, dad, and my sister's boyfriend. mom was just off-camera to the left
Whenever I sit back to reflect on my life and its trajectory--going from a tiny town in the middle of rural Washington State to law school in New York City--I cannot help but credit every success I've had to my parents (and a lot of amazing luck). I love them to pieces, even though I'm not that good at showing it all the time. I look forward to a day when we live closer together and don't have to skype on Thanksgiving!

The boy. I celebrated Thanksgiving with Sourabh on Wednesday night so that he could go to his family outside the city and I could skype with my parents today. I made some mashed potatoes, stuffing, roasted brussels sprouts, and salmon stuffed with crab (I don't eat meat and he doesn't like turkey anyway so this was a perfect, indulgent choice).

our dinner -- it doesn't look as good as it tasted, I promise
Being students together again after two years of having totally separate tracks is fun and means we get to see each other a lot more. I feel so grateful for this time together before I start working crazy hours next fall. I've already been awfully sappy about him in my post about our anniversary weekend, so I'll just conclude by saying that I love him so much and having him in my life makes every good moment better and every bad experience less painful. Every day that I get to wake up next to him is a good day.

smiles on the London Eye 

What are you thankful for today (or every day)? 


  1. Great post! It was nice meeting you last week; I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to chat more. We'll have to try to meet up for a run again sometime soon.

    1. Thanks, Shannon! It was great to meet you, too. Let's definitely do a run date soon and add coffee/refueling after. Just hit me up on Twitter :)
