
Monday, September 3, 2012

New shoes!!

During my long run Saturday evening, I officially called it -- my shoes were done! My feet were hurting a lot by midway through in an achy, "we need more cushioning" kind of way. I've loved these Asics since they've been with me from my very early running days (10 months ago, but it seems so much longer), so I was sad to think I'd have to give them up, but I'm so excited about my new shoes!
old shoes (with purple laces, my favorite color!)

I can't possibly throw them out because I ran my first race in them, they've been with me to Washington State and back, and they got me up a mountain! I'll keep them for gym workouts, just like an old friend you've grown apart from but still see now and then to catch up, for old times' sake.

But now, it's on to new (and brighter) things! I present to you: my new New Balance 890 running shoes.
new shoes! and the light makes me look like I don't have ankles...

I'm counting on these running shoes to get me through 13.1 miles on October 14 when I run the Grete's Gallop Half-Marathon. Now, I'm off to give them a good 5 mile break-in on this lovely, cool Labor Day.

How do you feel about getting new running shoes? Happy for new shoes? Sad to give up a pair that has gotten you through miles? 

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