
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Half-Marathon Training Update - 3 weeks to go!

Today's long run was the best I've had throughout training for my October half-marathon. I wanted to do another 10 mile run and up my pace, rather than go up to 11 miles this week. I have an extra week in my training schedule, which made it possible for me to have some wiggle room to repeat a week, and since my pace last week was slow, I figured it made sense to repeat 10 miles. 

A friend from undergrad was in town for the weekend, so I invited her to join me for part of my long run (ok, maybe I begged). Yan was such a good sport and agreed to join me for four miles after I pestered her via text. Since Yan was staying on the Upper East Side, I ran across Central Park to meet her and then we ran down the East River path for a few miles before cutting back to Central Park and up the loop to the 90s. 
I passed the NYRR's 18 Mile ING NYC Marathon Tune-Up racers on my way over to the Upper East Side -- definitely motivating! 

Apparently new terrain also helps since I really enjoyed running in a totally new place. I'm never on the east side and I'd never run on the East River path before, so everything was new to me. Nothing makes a run more fun like coming upon a small dog park that includes both children in tutus and dogs in sweaters. 

considering that man was in a tank top and shorts, the sweater on the white dog on the left (who, um, already has a fur coat...) might have been a bit over the top

The weather was gorgeous and absolutely perfect for a long run, sunny but cool and breezy, so I didn't end up dripping in sweat like I did after every run I did this summer.  

the East River might be more picturesque than the Hudson... will need to conduct more extensive research 
Since it was my long run, we kept an easy pace that allowed us to chat and catch up, since we hadn't seen each other in a year. We ended up running closer to 6 miles and Yan kept my pace up like a rock star. If only she lived in NYC! 

Yan, today's awesome running buddy
I accidentally paused my iPod when I met up with Yan, so we had to estimate our distance.  Unfortunately, after checking Google maps when I got home, it looked like we were about .5 miles off, so I only ran 9.5 miles today. However I easily could have run another 1/2 a mile, so in terms of endurance, I felt happy with the run!

Last week's goals (or, taking it easy can be a good thing?)
I took it much easier this week and didn't complete all my workouts, but I also felt MUCH fresher on today's long run. I'm going to try to find a good middle ground since I love my strength training classes and sessions, but they're also pretty expensive so taking some time off can be a nice break for my bank account, too (I try to use deals and specials whenever possible).  I also took a Relax class with Heidi Kristoffer at Strala Yoga this afternoon and my ankles/arches are feeling MUCH better (they always hurt by the end of a long run). 

I'm really enjoying figuring out the best training for my body as I get closer to half-marathon time. It seems like a lot of yoga and very little other training will be the key in the week before race day, but I'm going to keep playing with training plans and seeing how I feel in the coming weeks. We're getting close!

Monday - rest day with some yoga at home (check, if "some yoga" = a few stretches. I say yes.)
Tuesday - Yoga w/ Kristin McGee + Spinning @ Pedal NYC (check!)
Wednesday - Central Park loop (6 miles) (turned this into a 3 mile easy run around the Reservoir)
Thursday - Vinyasa Yoga @ Exhale Spa + interval run (check to Vinyasa Yoga at Exhale's NamasDAY, but did not complete the interval run)
Friday - easy run (4-5 miles) (didn't happen)
Saturday - Physique 57 class (did some push-ups and planks at home, but no Physique -- like I said, trying to save!)
Sunday - 11 mile run  (decided to do 10 miles and they felt wonderful! Also added a yoga class)

This week's goals
Monday - Central Park Loop with a law school friend
Tuesday - Spinning @ Pedal NYC
Wednesday - Lululemon Run Club speedwork
Thursday - training with Amanda
Friday - Physique 57 class
Saturday/Sunday - long run (11 miles) and yoga class

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