
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Half-Marathon Training: T-minus 4 weeks

Weekend Update
Last week was, unfortunately, a bit of a bust on the half-marathon training front. It was my own fault for part of it, and then it was my abdomen's fault for part of it (thanks a lot, abs). I had some extremely weird and intense abdominal pain on Saturday and continuing into Sunday that meant I didn't do my long run. I also didn’t get in an interval or hill run during the week. That’s on me. I prioritized some of the fun classes over doing the runs because lately I’m not enjoying running as much. I think it's because of the long runs -- when I go out on them, I feel so daunted by the distance. It's not much to a serious runner (8, 9, 10 miles), but since each run is the longest I've ever run, I really have to push myself every single time instead of just lacing up my shoes and heading out, seeing how I feel on the way. Of course, that's training! 

I need to stop telling people "I think I'm more of a short distance runner, like 5 miles or so," when they ask me about my training. I'm only reinforcing to myself that I don't enjoy the long runs. So, mantra for this week: I am a long distance runner!

I still got in two shorter runs, Yoga Boxing and Sculpt classes at Uplift, a Physique 57 class, and karaoke yoga, but that's just not good enough on the running or yoga front. Since fall weather is officially here, it seems, I am ready to fall back into hardcore half-marathon training!

Fit Bottomed Girls pinned this the other day and I thought it was perfect!

When I go out for a run, I need to stop doubting myself and my ability to run the distance and start believing that I can do it. So, with that, here's my training plan for the rest of the week.

Training Plan
Monday - Boxing Yoga (check!)
Tuesday - 3 mi run +  core work (check!)
Wednesday - 6-7 mi run
Thursday - training with Amanda, including speed work and core
Friday - Physique 57 class + Power Yoga at Uplift
Saturday - FITNESS Magazine 4 mile race + 6 miles for long run
Sunday - rest (yoga class)

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