
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Travel Time!

Yesterday was my last day of my summer position at the law firm where I'll be working when I graduate. Tonight I'm flying home to Washington State to visit my family. Luckily I'm flying on JetBlue, so I'll be able to watch the Olympics during my evening flight!

I'm so excited to see my sister, cook with my dad, and have a "spa day" with my mom. My parents and I are going to travel up to Whistler Blackcomb. On the way, we'll climb the Grouse Grind near Vancouver, B.C. I'm going to try to make it up in under an hour, which might be impossible, but we'll see!

the view from where I'll be running tomorrow!
I haven't been home when it's sunny and nice out (aka August and September because it's Washington State) in almost three years, so it'll be wonderful to spend time outdoors, hiking around real mountains (sorry East Coast! Your mountains just can't compare).
see? snow-capped peaks!
When I get back, I have some big fitness goals for the fall that I'm going to start on and post about. Can't wait!!

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