
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Update!

So much happier with how this week went than last -- and I'm feeling better this weekend, too! Here's how I did on my goals this week:

1. Make time for sleep. Ok so this one wasn't great. Wow do I need to work on prioritizing sleep. I've been reading Game Change this week, and it's completely addicting (I walk through Grand Central during rush hour reading it because I don't want to put it down!). However, I've been sleeping 30-45 minutes later because of it. Not good. Worked out twice today so I'm hoping that gets me to sleep early tonight!
clearly my dog, Mason, has no issues getting enough sleep.
2. Three runs. Yep, I got this one done! The interval run wasn't as long as I would have liked, but I still fit it in, and I did 3 mile and 4 mile runs this week. Not quite a long-distance and short run, but it evens out.

3. Make Yoga Happen. It happened! I went to Strala Yoga today and took Heidi Kristoffer's RELAX class. I felt so calm and centered afterwards; it was a great finish to the weekend and I'm looking forward to going back.

4. Try a new exercise class. I'm counting the yoga class :) It was wonderful, and I'll post a review later this week.

5. Three strength workouts. Two were slightly lackluster (30-45 minutes) due to time constraints, but my training session with my trainer, Amanda, was AWESOME. Completely kicked my ass -- I was sore for 4 days after! We did a combination of power yoga, intense abs work, and boxing. I love boxing because it makes you feel so strong and empowered, plus it's an intense workout. Paired with power yoga, I got an amazing all-over workout. Amanda will be starting a boxing yoga class at the excellent Uplift Studios this fall, so look out for that (and, of course, what I'm sure will be my glowing review of the class).

6. Healthy eating choices. With a few exceptions, I made good eating decisions all week. Even better, I cooked dinner twice (including these delicious crab and guac tostadas)! I used to cook dinner almost every night, and I've missed that meditative time of chopping, scooping, and making delicious things for my boyfriend and myself to enjoy. Excited to be getting back into my kitchen for more than just breakfast!

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