
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making exercise happen

I think most people would describe their schedules anywhere from "busy" to "hectic." If you wake up planning to exercise without a clear plan, a million things can get in the way. I used to have the goal of "working out five days a week." But I had no clear set up beyond "I should exercise..."

When I started working this summer, I began to schedule out my exercise plan for the week every Sunday night and it made a BIG difference in my work out frequency. My trainer gave me a suggested plan (2-3 runs, 3-4 strength and cardio interval work outs, and 1 yoga class, based on my goals of toning and increasing endurance). I look at my schedule for the week, check the weather forecast to figure out which are the best days for my outdoor runs, and then try to plan. 

Looks like I'm doing my long run Wednesday morning to avoid the heat... 
My plan doesn't always happen exactly, but most plans don't. Having an hour at a certain time set aside for a specific exercise plan or goal really helps me personally. 

Here's what my exercise schedule might look like. Obviously this would differ for everyone, depending on your specific goals, but generally my schedule goes something like this:

Monday -- 6:45-7:30 AM -- running (intervals, take extra time to stretch)
Tuesday -- 6:30-7:30 AM -- strength work out with cardio intervals (total body, lower body emphasis)
Wednesday -- 6:30-7:30 AM -- long run (4-5 miles, take extra time to stretch)
Thursday -- 6:30-7:30 AM -- strength work out with cardio intervals (lower body)
Friday -- 6:30-7:30 AM -- strength work out with cardio intervals (upper body)
Saturday -- 9:00-10:00 AM -- low-impact run, cycling, etc.
Sunday -- 9:00-10:00 AM -- vinyasa yoga flow

Would love to hear others' experiences with planning out work outs!

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