
Monday, July 23, 2012

links I'm loving today...

  • I slept terribly last night (probably the fault of the two hour nap I took in the afternoon -- oops!). Yoga Journal has poses to help you get to sleep and wake up in the morning.
  • A great guide to shopping for produce and storing fruits and veggies at Eat This Not That
  • I feel like I can never get my side lunge form quite right (since it never feels as hard as a regular lunge). Thanks to Huffington Post for letting me know what I'm doing wrong -- apparently I don't sit back enough!
  • I loooooove tea, regardless of its health benefits. But Self has a great slideshow on why tea is such a great drink option!
  • MindBodyGreen has tips on green juicing when busy. Super helpful -- who has time to prep a green juice every day??
  • On the subject of smoothies: Shape's "cheat sheet" for creating your own smoothies (I posted my current go-to post-workout smoothie on the bottom of this post).

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