
Monday, July 30, 2012

{ inspiration }

What else could my fitness inspiration for this week be? I was hooked to my tv all weekend, watching swimming, diving, gymnastics, and any other Olympic event being broadcast. The time and dedication that the Olympic athletes have committed to their sports is SO inspiring. If I don't want to wake up for a run this week, I need to remember how much earlier an Olympic athlete has gotten up to achieve their goals. Waking up at 6:45 really isn't that bad!

This is my last week at the law firm I've been working at this summer. I'm going to have to balance getting in exercise with savoring my last week with the awesome people I've met this summer and finishing up projects. I'm also flying back to Washington State on Saturday evening, so it might be tough to fit any workouts into my weekend.

So here are my goals for this week:
1. Run three times. At least one long distance run, maybe more.
2. Two strength training sessions. Ideally three of course, but I'm trying to set realistic goals!
3. Get more sleep! After last week's disastrous performance, hopefully I can redeem myself on the sleep front.
4. Yogi it up. I was successful at getting in a yoga class last week and am so happy I did. Going to try to make it happen again!

Any goals for the first week of the Olympics??

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