
Friday, July 13, 2012

{ inspiration }

One of my favorite New York fitness bloggers, Fit Chick in the City, does something called "Say It Do It" -- you say your fitness goals in public so that you feel more accountable. 
(thanks to uplift studios for posting this on their Facebook -- I love it!)
Today, I'm starting small with my fitness and health goals for this weekend.

Saying my goals for this weekend out loud....

  1. Run this 4 mile race in Central Park in under 40 minutes (basically, sub-10 minute miles)
  2. Try a new exercise class (maybe at Strala Yoga?)
  3. Get in two "Wow I'm sore" strength work outs, one lower body-focused and one upper body-focused (and post them on here!)
  4. Eat the foods that make me feel good all day, not the foods that make me feel good for a moment and leave me tired and cranky!

I'll report back on Sunday evening!

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